Chapter 21 - Red Rose

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Jade POV:

"Look Demi i know I said it out of no where and you probably weren't ready to hear or say it but-" I started but I was cut off by what I was looking at.

Rose petals covered her floor, leading all the way up her stairs to her bed room. There was lit candles all around, and calming music in the back ground.

I look over to the kitchen and see Demi's chef preparing a meal and giving me a soft smile, which I returned. I put down my suitcases and walked forward more into her house, and looked around. "What the hell is all this for?" I said smiling. Demi smiled and walked up to me and grabbed my hand, and gestured for me to grab my suitcase.

"Come upstairs and we'll talk about it." She said and I nodded. Walking up her stairs and into her room i gasped.

The rose petals led to her bed, which had stuffed animals, flowers, and a box with a bow on it on her bed. (Not engagement ring sized, bigger. If I saw an engagement ring box I think I would have left)

I looked at Demi, who was smiling looking at me up and down. "This is all... amazing baby. Thank you so much. But I have to ask, is there an anniversary or something I missed?" I said with a nervous giggle. Demi shook her head and motioned me to sit down on the bed. I did slowly, and looked up at her as she was standing a foot or two away from me. She seemed nervous, so I give her a reassuring smile which she returned. I see her take a deep breath before speaking.

"When you came to my house that first day, it wasn't actually the first time I had seen you." Demi said and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"About a month before, there was a party. It was Shay Mitchell's house, and you had just gotten there when I was leaving. You were wearing this tight dark purple dress with gold heels, and black lipstick. Your hair was down and curled and I remember just kind of stopping to look at you. I saw you talk to a few other people and I wanted to go up to you, but I was already late for another party. I didn't know who you were but I wanted to." She said i could not take my eyes off of her as she reached passed me and grabbed the gift box, now holding it in her hand.

"So when I saw that tweet from Jimmy about you talking about me, I couldn't believe I had found you. I genuinely thought you were this random girl at a party that I'd never see again. And then Scooter told me that his friend David had a client that was a big fan and was upset she couldn't see me in concert and that they came up with this whole plan, I was all for it. It wasn't until about ten minutes you arrived I actually asked who it was I would be singing with. And then Scooter goes 'that girl that talked about you in her Jimmy Fallon interview'. And instantly I got.. so nervous and couldn't believe it was going to be you. So when you left that night, that's why I wanted to get your number so badly. I didn't want to lose you again." She said and started to take the bow off the box and just stared at it.

"I know I hurt you in the beginning, and I know you forgave me but I haven't forgiven myself. And I'll do anything I need to every day to make it up to you. Because when I'm in something, I'm in it. You told me you loved me that night and I froze. And i wish I didn't. Because there was no reason for me to, cause I knew what my answer was." She said and she handed me the box.

Carefully unwrapping the box and lifted the top, I saw it was a snow globe. I looked up and gave her a confused smile before taking it out. I grabbed the snow globe and I felt myself freeze at what was inside.

It was the first picture we've ever taken together, and above it in red it said

"I love you too."

I started at the snow globe and felt a tear run down my face. "I saw your old collection in your room the first day we were there. And i planned it out so it would get ready as soon as possible, and it was here this morning. My mom and some friends made sure this was all set up. I hope you like it..." she said looking at me nervously.

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