Chapter 14 - Dressing Room

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I sat with Hayley while we watched the rest of Demi's show. I was unable to take my eyes off of her. During some of the songs I saw her look at me and smile, even winked at me. I looked down and blushed, brushing my hair out of my face.

When she finished her concert, i couldn't help but be so proud of her. She sounded and looked amazing. And her smile while performing is just something you can't forget.

When she walked off stage, she went to the opposite side of me. I really was not in the mood to get lost looking for her backstage so I did what they taught us as children when we got lost at a field trip: stay where you are.

I waited for about ten minutes, and started to get anxious. I was literally just sitting there while everyone had something to do. That's when I got a text from Demi.

Demi🦋: scooter is on his way to you. Gonna bring you to my dressing room. See you soon ❤️

Before I could respond, I heard Scooter's voice. "Hey hun." He said smiling. I smiled back and stood up, and we continued to walk through backstage to Demi's dressing room.

"What did you think of the concert?" He said winking. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Definitely one I will never forget." I said laughing. Scooter nodded as we turned down a hall away. "Yeah, she's had this planned for like three days." I stopped walking for a second and looked at the him.

"Three days?" I asked him. And scooter nodded his head. "She texted me a few days ago saying this was something she wanted to do if you showed up. And when you look at Demi when she really wants something, it's kinda hard to say no." He said laughing and led me to the dressing room.

"Have fun." He teased, and walked away. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After a few seconds Demi opened the door, and a smile started to grow on her face. "Hey." She said and let me in.

"Hey. You were... just wow tonight. Like seriously it was such an amazing show." I told her. She smiled and closed the door, leaning against it. "Thank you." She said sincerely.

We stood in silence for a few seconds, I don't think either one of us knew what to say.

"So... about the song." Demi said. I nodded my head, and slowly started to scratch at my arm in fear of what was doing to happen. Demi saw this and walked over by me, taking a seat right by me and grabbed my hands.

"There's no need for that." She told me with a soft smile. "There's not?" I asked nervously. Demi shook her head, and looked at me for a moment before taking a breath.

"I tried to tell you last night, but I couldn't bring myself to. When you left that night, I couldn't sleep. I just thought of everything. And you were right, I should've read the signs and saw what kind of vibe you were giving off. And I think.. part of me did but it scared me. Scared that someone was showing actual genuine interest in me. So subconsciously I made myself believe it was all on lust when it wasn't, not even on my side." Demi said. I looked at her as she struggled to get the next words out, almost like she had rehearsed this.

"Just say what's on your mind." I told her. Demi nodded slightly and looked up, her eyes meeting with mine.

"When you left, every and any memory of you popped into my head. First meeting you, your manners, when we went out to eat, and then when we danced in the beach..." Demi trailed off, and I saw a small smile approach her lips, as if she was seeing the memory again.

"Then I think about how I wanted to do nothing but protect you when that party happened. And how so many things remind me of you and I would find myself smiling at all of them. How well you talked and acted with my family. You would always check up on me. The way you treated me after we hooked up, with just so much love and sweetness. Your sense of humor, your stories, your laugh. I even realized how safe I felt whenever you would just look at me. I'll be honest, touch really isn't my love language with everyone. It's just with you. Because when I feel your touch I feel like nothing bad could ever happen." Demi said, and I saw a single tear roll down her cheek, as many were falling down mine.

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