Chapter 16 - Birthday Party

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I instantly covered my mouth my hand and looked around. All of my friends were here, cast mates, David, John, Demi's family.

"Oh my god." I said. Instantly, Julie, Cindy, Mark, Derek, James, and my other friends instantly ran up to, basically squishing me in a group hug, then they all hugged me individually, wishing me a happy birthday. Next was John and David, who also embraced me in a hug.

Next came my cast mates, then Demi's family.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." Dianna said. "Thank you so much" I told her. I turned to madison who had a big smile on her face and gave me a hug. "See, I told you it'd work out." I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around her. After everyone was done hugging me I was finally able to take a breath and wipe my tears.

"I don't understand, what is this? How did all this happen?" I asked. And that's when I saw Demi coming through the crowd of people, and came up to me.

"Surprise." She said softly. I felt my smile grow as I grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss, with my hands on her cheeks and hers around my waist.

"I thought you said you had a meeting today? How did you plan all of this?" I asked her. "I had to maybe tell you a little white lie. I did have a meeting, but it was with a caterer." She said with a small laugh. I shook my head and gave her another kiss. "Thank you" I told her. "I told you I was going to make this birthday special."

We looked at each other for a moment when I heard my dad clear his throat. I rolled my eyes and faced my dad, and interlaced my fingers with Demi's.

"Dad, this is Demi. Demi, this is my dad"

Demi extended her free hand to shake my father's. "Mr. Rivers it's so nice to finally meet you." Demi said. My dad shook his head, "Call me Patrick, please." Demi nodded and looked at me.

"Ready for your best birthday yet?" She asked. I nodded my head.

As the night went on, I introduced to my Dad to everyone, and he seemed to have gotten along well with Demi's dad, which I guess worked out.

As time went on I had a few drinks, nothing to get me fucked up, but enough to get me loosened up.

I was sitting on the couch with Demi, talking to her when Julie came up to us. "Okay can i please take a picture of you guys? Y'all look too cute right now."

Demi and I laughed and I nodded. I handed Julie my phone and she look a few pictures of us. Some hot, some goofy, some candid. "Okay, now give me a kiss." Julie said and Demi and I smiled at each other. I got up from where I was sitting and sat on Demi's lap, one hand on the back of her neck, the other on her cheek. I heard a collection of "awes" as I kissed her and heard Julie take about 10 pictures.

After she handed my phone back, Demi and I looked through them. As we did, I felt myself getting upset because I really want to show her off as mine. Demi looked at me and examined my change in mood.

"What's wrong?" She asked me. And I shook my head. "Nothing, i just really want to post these." I said and gestured to the pictures of her and i kissing. "Why can't you?" She asked curiously. I looked up at her. "You're okay with that if i do?" I asked her. Demi smiled and nodded her head. "Of course. Just send me the ones you don't post, because then I'll post them."

I picked out the two I wanted to post and sent Demi the rest. The first picture was just us smiling, and then the second was of our kiss.

"She was the best birthday gift I could have ever asked for ❤️"

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