Chapter 13 - Ruin The Friendship

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I woke up the next morning on my couch, seeing that Demi wasn't there. I looked around and grabbed my phone to check my messages, seeing I had gotten one from Demi a few hours ago.

Demi🦋: also fell asleep last night, but didn't want to wake you. I had to get up early to get ready for tonight. I hope you're still coming. I left the passes that you'll need on the table. It starts at 7 but if you could get there around 6, that'd mean a lot. Have a good rest of your day, I'll see you tonight.

I looked around and did in fact see two passes on the table. I grabbed them to examine them, seeing one was for backstage, the other one was for private parking.

Glancing at the time, I saw that it was after 12. Wow i really must have been tired.

My head is just spinning with thoughts. What did Demi try to say to me last night? Why did I let her stay over? Why did I sing her that song???

I decided to just slip my shoes on and grab my keys, I needed coffee. As I drive through the starbucks drive you, I ordered my usual coffee drink and grabbed a muffin as well. Glancing at the time, I realized I had more time on my hands than expected. I wanted to look good tonight, so I decided to go shopping.

Looking around in the store, nothing really caught my eye. Until I saw an outfit I knew I had to have.

There was green camouflage pants, with a tight black crop top that had a zipper in the front, and I knew would show a lot of cleavage. Looking for my size in both, I found it. Going to the register I paid, and then went to Victoria's Secret.

I saw a really cute dark green lingerie set and instantly went for that one because ... how could I not?

By the time I got back to the apartment it was almost three. (I take my time while shopping, okay?)

I quickly went to wash the clothes I just bought, and hopped in the shower. After washing my hair, body, and shaving, I got out and dried myself off. After a little bit of waiting, I put the clothes in the dryer I made myself a sandwich, trying to force myself to eat the entire thing.

It took me a bit, but I was able to do it and for the first time in a long time with this, I felt proud of myself. Checking my phone again it was now 4:30 and that's when I started freaking out.

I went into the bathroom and I straightened my hair, and did my makeup. I've been doing makeup for so long I can basically do my entire face in about 20 minutes, and still have it coming out nice. I heard my dryer go off, so I changed into the lingerie set I had gotten, along with the green camo outfit and black crop top. I put on my black timberlands, deodorant and perfume and walked to the kitchen where I grabbed my purse with my keys, passes, wallet, and phone.

It was gonna take me a little bit to get there, so I wanted to leave earlier due to traffic. And there was, in fact, traffic. By the time I was let into the lot Demi had recommend, it was 6:12.

"She's gonna think I'm not coming." I thought. I found a parking spot a little further back because for a private lot, there were a lot of cars. I pulled down my visor and looked at myself in the small mirror, taking a deep breath.

"You can do this." I told myself. I grabbed my things and got out of the car and started walking towards the door of the arena. As I was walking I noticed a familiar man walking in the opposite direction.

"Scooter?" I asked and the man turned around. He gave me a warm smile and walked towards me. "Jade! Hi it's so nice to see you." He said, giving me a hug. "Yeah you too." I returned.

"I'm glad you're here honestly. Demi has been freaking out for the last twenty minutes that you weren't gonna show. I'll text her and tell her that you're here." He said and started to pull out his phone but I stopped him. "No, it's okay. I'm walking in now anyways I'll just surprise her" I told him. Scooter nodded his head. "Okay, I'll be with you guys in a minute need to grab something out of my car" I only nodded at him as he walked away, and I started making my way into the building.

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