Chapter 34 - Deal

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Jade's POV

After sending that text to Demi, I set my phone down and took a deep breath. Putting my head down and running my hands through my hair, I tried to give myself some sort of clear mind.

What did I even want to say to them? What is there to even say?

My thoughts were consuming me until demi replied.

Demi: of course. Wanna come over?

Me: yeah. Be there in a bit.

I haven't been to Demi's since that day. When everything fell apart between us. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss being there, or being with Demi.

It was evident that Demi and i still loved each other, and I think that's the scariest thing about all of this. Can we just go back to how things were? I don't truly don't know. We've both grown, and had many lessons from the time we ended to know. They're a new person, that was obvious. And in some aspects, so am I. There's 99 things I'm uncertain about with Demi and I. But the one thing that I know, that overpowers the rest, is that I want them.

I sat up and decided to take a quick shower to relax, and feel better. After I was done I changed into some brown joggers with a black tshirt. I applied a light coat of mascara and and threw my hair into a messy bun. I sighed slightly when I received a text from John that he was outside. I collected the rest of my things and walked out, greeting him.

"Where's Liv?" John asked as I entered the car. I looked down and felt a single tear escape my eye. "She uh, she had to go back home." John only nodded as he started the car. "Where to?"

"Demi's."  I said and I saw John lift his eyes and look at me through the mirror. He gave a sad smile and began driving.

After about 20 minutes, which felt like 30 seconds, we arrived at Demi's. I sighed and looked at Demi's house before getting out of the car. I thanked John and began walking up the familiar driveway.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, and waited patiently for an answer.

After only a few seconds, Demi opened the door. They had on black sweatpants and a white tank top. They had no makeup on, and i could see slight bags under their eyes, showing that they also probably didn't sleep the night before.

"Hey." Demi said. "Hi." I returned. Demi have a soft smile, and opened the door more for me to walk in. I took a few steps in and watched as Demi closed the door, and was now looking at me. Awkward silence filled the air as we stood for a moment, and i felt the lump in my throat begin to grow.

"Would you like to go in the kitchen?" They asked and I nodded slightly. I followed them into the room and smiled softly to myself looking at her chairs, thinking about when we shared our first kiss just over a year ago. I sat down, and Demi stood by the counter, and i saw as they started playing with their fingers.

"I'm surprised I heard from you." Demi admitted. I nodded and looked up at them. "I just felt like we needed to talk." I said and Demi nodded.

"Demi," "Jade," we both started at the same time. I began to speak again but Demi cut me off. "No, let me go first, please." They said. I nodded as they began to walk closer to me, leaning now against the counter that I was sitting by.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I am, that was completely out of line and i really had no intention of ruining you and Liv's relationship. You have to believe me on that. It was completely impulsive and I didn't think it through. And I'm sorry. But, I don't regret it. And I know that terrible of me to say but it's true. If things went differently the other night and you told me you wanted nothing to do with me and that you're in love with Liv, then I probably would have regretted it. But that's not how it went. You told me you loved me still. And hearing that... was like a breath of fresh air." They told me. I stared at them intently, waiting for them to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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