Chapter 17 - Chicago (part 1)

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"Babe, hurry up we're literally going to the miss the flight." Demi called to me as I was packing up the rest of my makeup.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, and walked out my bathroom with my bag.

"I've heard that before." Demi said smirking. I rolled my eyes and kissed her.

My birthday was a couple of days ago, and I spent my dad's last day with him when I got back from Demi's early that morning. Demi had spent the next few days here, until she slept alone last night, because she had to pack all of her things.

I grabbed her hand and interlaced our fingers as we grab our bags and made our way outside where John was waiting for us. "Ladies." John said, opening up the door for us and taking our luggage.

We got in and it was about a 30 minute drive to the airport. We went through security, and all the necessities before boarding the plane. Sitting next to Demi, i interlaced our fingers and she rested her head on my shoulder. I looked over and planted a soft kiss on her head. The flight was about 5 hours long, and Demi and I spent some of the flight asleep, we watched Big Mouth, and near the end we sat in silence until I heard Demi speak.

"I'm nervous." She said. I looked at her and moved a piece of hair out of her face. "Why?" I asked her.

"Because I'm going to be like... meeting your whole family. I want them to like me. I don't want them to look at me weird or treat me different because if my past with everything." She told me, and I saw her fidgeting with her fingers. I put my hands on hers and looked at her.

"Baby, they are going to love you. No one is going to look at you different or judge you for your past. They'll see how perfect you are. And how happy you make me and I promise you, that's enough for them." I told her and she smiled. "I-" she started but then stopped herself.

Was she about to say what I thought she was going to? There's no way. I've been stopping myself every couple of minutes to not say those three words to her because I've felt it for awhile now. I sat in thought as we landed.

I realized that Demi and I haven't really talked about her past. She knows so much of mine, and is now going to be experiencing it but I don't know hers. Of course I know the things she's shared in songs, interviews, and her documentaries, but hearing it on there and hearing it from her just seemed different.

We got off the plane, and waited for our luggage. My dad was running late so Demi and I took this time to go grab coffee because we needed it. It was currently 6pm, and since we were at a closer airport my house was only ten minutes away. Demi and I took a seat until I got a text that my dad was pulling up now. I looked at Demi and showed her, and we made our way to the doors that my dad was parked near. Going outside, I instantly saw my dad and walked towards him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Welcome home" he said with a big smile on his face. When he let go of me and turned to Demi, embracing her in a hug. "It's nice to see you again" he said and Demi nodded. "It's nice to see you too."

When we packed our luggage in the car, and got in. With me in the front with my dad and Demi in the back seat.

"How was your flight?' My dad asked as we drove home. "It was okay, long but okay." I told him. My dad nodded his head. "Amanda is excited to see you." He said, smiling. Amanda is my dads girlfriend. They've been dating for like three years. I love amanda, never had an issue with her. i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss her too. i would never consider a mother figure to me, but she was nice company when it was needed.

When we pulled up to my house, I instantly smiled. Being back home brought back a lot of memories, some good, some bad. But nevertheless, i was home. I looked at Demi as got into the driveway and she just smiled at me, then turning to look at my house.

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