Chapter 31 - Party

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It's been about six months since that day at my apartment with Demi.

Six months since I've seen, or heard from them.

Honestly, I'm much better than i was when it first happened. I've been dating Liv for 4 months now. I go and see her every couple of weeks and we stay at my apartment in Chicago, or she comes and sees me and stays here in LA.

Things between us have been great, we're completely public, and I pick her up from the airport tomorrow night.

Tonight though, there's a big party hosted at Justin and Hailey Bieber's house for their anniversary. The last couple months I actually met Justin and him and I got pretty close, so I couldn't decline the offer when he invited me.

The party was in about two hours and I had just gotten out of the shower. I decided to go with a tight red lace dress with tall black wrap around heels. I've been growing my hair out more, so my light brown hair was now down to the middle of my back. I did light loose curls, and applied hairspray.  I did my makeup with a brown Smokey eye and then my signature red lipstick.

I checked my phone that was on the charger to see the time. The party started in twenty minutes and it was about a 40 minute drive. Being fashionably late has become a new habit of mine. I texted John, my driver, that I was almost ready.

I took a couple of pictures, and then grabbed my phone, purse, and keys, and made my way down stairs. I walked out the doors and saw John waiting for me by the door, with a slight smile on his face as he opened it for me so I can get it.

"You look beautiful, ma'am" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"John, are you ever going to just call me by my name?" And the man just chuckled to himself as he began to drive the car. While in the car, I decided to call Liv, who answered on the first ring.

"Hey baby!" She said with her beautiful smile.

"Hey my love."

"You on your way to the party?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Yep. I'll be there in a few, but i just wanted to call you before hand, because I don't know how much I'll be on my phone tonight." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah of course, have fun baby. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and with that we hung up. After a couple more minutes we pulled up Justin's house, and John came around and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I told him and he smiled. "Just let me know when you want me to come and get you" he said and I nodded, and walked up the door.

After a moment, Justin answered. "Rivers!" He said and brought me into a hug. "Hey!"

"Wassup? How's the girlfriend?" He asked and I smiled. "She's good, I pick her up from the airport tomorrow."

"Well you gotta bring her by! I'm upset I haven't met her yet." He said and I nodded. "I definitely will."

There was already about fifty people there, some I knew, some I didn't. As I was walking through the house, I saw a familiar face. "Jade!" Hailey said and came up to me, giving me a hug.

"Hey! Thank you for having me." I told her. "Of course. Who else will go and play Xbox with Justin in the game room when his social battery dies." I let out a laugh and nodded my head. "This is true."

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