Voting on a date for Mikasa

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Ok so I feel bad for having Mikasa go alone. You guys can either vote on a AoT character for her to go with, or I'll make one up! This is the voting!

Vote for an attack on Titan character here...

And I have made up some names and looks for you guys to vote on! Let's start with names first. Choose a name you like and comment: yes.







Comment other suggestions if you want.


And now looks and personality to vote on. Pick a description you like and comment: yes.

Tall, gothic dresser, pale skin, hair style like Erens but black, kind, funny

Short, glasses, casually dressed, lightly tan skin, blonde hair like Reiners, kind, smart, funny

As tall as Eren, formally dressed, lightly tan skin, glasses, hair almost like Levi's, preppy, kind, funny

Comment other suggestions if you want.

Thanks for voting guys! If you want Mikasa to go alone, then comment: no

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