Soul Mates

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Photo credit: hug_a_bear
This chapter might be a bit shorter than the other ones, sorry.

Eren p.o.v.

I dragged Levi towards my old room, in hope I could sleep without anyone drawing on my face. I grabbed a wipe, and wiped off the doodles on Levi's face. I smiled at his adorable sleeping face. Levi looked so peaceful when he was asleep. His always furrowed eyebrows were finally normal, and his hair gently covered his eyes.

I got in the bed next to him, and kissed his cheek. My phone buzzed. I woke up and checked it. It was an update for school tomorrow.

No school tomorrow due to snow storm.

Sweet! I didn't think I would be able to go to school tomorrow since I was up until 1:00 a.m.

I pushed my face in Levi's chest, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him move slightly, and I heard him groan.

"Ugh... What did I miss?" Levi groaned.

"Nothing much. We just drew on people's faces, and Jared and Mikasa kissed." I informed him.




Levi sat up, when I sat up with him due to my arms around his neck.

Levi grabbed my chin, and pulled me close to his face. Our lips pushed together, as we passionately kissed. He slipped his tongue in my mouth, as our tongues battled for dominance.

"Mmph..." I moaned when his hand went up my shirt.

He broke the kiss, and moved to my neck. And pushed me down to the bed. He kissed my neck, until he found my sweet spot. He kissed it fiercely.

"Ahh... Levi..." I moaned.

He kept kissing it, until he left a mark on it, and he fell on the bed next to me.

"Ugh. I just wish I was taller than you." He complained.

I pushed myself down in the bed more, until Levi was taller.

"Happy?" I teased.

Levi rolled his eyes, and pushed me close to him.

I heard chuckling, and noticed Hanji and Erwin were hiding at the side of the bed. I broke out in laughter when I saw what was written on their faces.

Erwin's face had arrows pointing at his eyebrows, saying "bitches love brows." As well as writing on his cheek, saying "fuck bitches get money."

Hanji had writing on her forehead, saying "thug lyfe." And had guns drawn on her cheeks.

"Bwahahaha! You guys look hilarious!" I laughed.

They immediately ran to the nearest sink and washed their faces. Levi lied down again, as I rested my head on his chest. I soon fell asleep from the sound of his heart beat.

Levi p.o.v.

I heard Eren's deep breathing which signaled he was asleep. I ran my hand through his hair. He looks so adorable when he's sleeping. I sat up for a moment, and looked around the room. This must be Eren's old room.

I heard whining, and sniffling coming from Eren.

A nightmare?

I lied back down next to Eren, and hugged him. I also kissed his forehead. He stopped sniffling, and whining. What type of nightmare is he having now?

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