Good Old School

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That last chapter was so odd for me to write...
Photo credit: Mrs_Raum of ifunny

Armin p.o.v.

After I closed the door to the mans apartment, Mikasa sighed looking distant.

"What is it?" I asked her

"Eren. He's staying with someone he just met. And we don't know him. And I miss him so much..." She sounded genuinely upset.

I was the one Mikasa and Eren counted on for support, and I was fine with that. So it's up to me to support Mikasa. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she looked at me. As if she was waiting for me to begin my cheering up speech.

"Eren seems to trust him. And we can always text, and visit. It's not like he's going to Brazil and we'll never see him again."

"What if he does move to Brazil? We don't know." She joked.

This usually happens. Now I had to make another stupid joke. It's how our type of cheering up sessions go.

"If he does move to Brazil, he better send a post card or merch, or I will fly over there and start some shit." I joked.

We laughed and continued to school. My phone buzzed, and I saw I got a text.

Connie: mind meeting me by my locker again?

Armin: sure

We headed towards the direction of the old building, and saw the familiar two story building appear in front of us.

It was a old school painted tan. Huge windows around each side of the building, and little windows where the classrooms would be located.

Once you walked in, brown carpet greeted us, as you then proceed up either the: Freshman, and Sophomore stairs, or go across the hall to the Junior and Senior stairs.

Mikasa and I ran up the Junior and Senior stairs, and we saw the old familiar hallway. Once you walk up, you see the walls to the library. You either turn left towards the Freshman and Sophomore hallways, or the normal hallways me and Mikasa were walking down right now.

Then we turned left towards the math classroom where Connie's locker was located. He was close to the door to the library, and the classroom. And he was locker neighbors with Sasha, and this guy I don't know. Once he saw us approach, he waved at us as Sasha also waved.

"You wanted to see us?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! We're throwing a Valentine's Day party! I know it's a month away, but my parents called, and they're gonna be gone longer than I thought. So Sasha and I decided to throw a Valentine's party! Your all invited. Whether you bring a date or not!" He said excitedly.

Mikasa and I looked excited, as we all agreed. We talked for a while, until the bell rang. I then ran towards my locker, and went to social studies. It was located near the younger hallways. I sat down in my seat, and looked behind myself, expecting Eren to be there. But reality hit me in the face when I remembered he's gone.

The class was boring, and I don't remember what we were talking about. I then went towards gym class, and I almost passed out from the shit we had to do. I hate this class.

It felt weird being alone. Eren and I always changed together in the back room. Catching up on how shitty gym is, or trying to look presentable.

The day went like that, until I met up with Mikasa, and we walked to lunch. My favorite class. We walked towards our old table, where our friends sat. Connie and Sasha were fighting over a bag of skittles, while Jean and Marco talked to each other. Reiner and Berthold were trading food, Annie was watching, trying to take a piece when they weren't looking. Ymir and Historia were talking too. We sat down where we normally sat. An empty chair next to me. I hope Eren comes back soon.

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