The Party

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Photo credit: Eren_X_Jaeger

Eren p.o.v.

I watched the clock at school. Once the clock strikes 2:45 the day is over. It's Friday and the party is tonight. I couldn't wait at all.

Connie was tapping his hand impatiently on his desk. Jean kept on moving his arms. Annie kept on playing with a piece of hair. Reiner was chewing a pencil. Mikasa was messing with her scarf. Levi was staring intently at the clock. Looks like everyone is impatient. Even Sasha wasn't sneakily eating her potato chips like usual. She just ate them in front of our teacher.

Any second now....

The horrible sounding of the ring of the school bell filled the school. "About damn time!" Connie shouted and stood up.

"Language, Springer!" The teacher scolded.

Connie secretly gave the teacher the middle finger, as we ran out.

"ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" I shouted running out of the school.

Mikasa, Armin, and Levi ran after me.

"Fuck yeah! I've been waiting for this day to end, it was killing me!" Levi laughed.

We finally got home. Mikasa and Armin kicked open their door, while Levi kicked his open. I grabbed my suit, and burst in the bathroom to change.

While changing, I heard a huge BAM followed by "HEY FUCKERS! GUESS WHOS HERE!"


I came out after I finished, when I saw Hanji wearing a pretty and long dark purple dress. Erwin followed her in wearing a fancy tuxedo. Levi wore a very fancy looking tuxedo.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Awww Eren! You look so cute!" She laughed and gave me a noogie.

"Why are you guys here?" Levi asked.

"Did you honestly think we wouldn't tag along to a party?" Erwin laughed.

"Fuck it. Let's just go." Levi shrugged.

We walked out and waited for Armin and Mikasa. Armin walked out in the white tux we bought, and Mikasa came out in a beautiful dark red dress. Jared is a lucky guy.

If he hurts Mikasa, I'll crush him like a bug.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

"Yeah we're-" Mikasa was interrupted by a loud ass honking.

"That's our ride!" I laughed, as we all ran down.

Mikasa and Hanji joined Ymir's car, while me, Levi, Armin, and Erwin joined Berthold's car.

Connie was playing cheesy ass love songs. It's funny how he's throwing the party, yet he's in the car with us. The "other guests" are coming later, I guess.


"Connie! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted.

By the time we got to the party, I was ready to bash my fucking head in.

The guests arrived ten minutes after we did, was when the party kicked up. There was loud music, amazing food, and it was awesome. Connie had a DJ and all this cool stuff.

We all danced together in a group, when a slow song started. Everyone separated and danced with their dates. It was so cute. The song playing was a favorite of mine. It was called Sad Song. It reminded me of Levi.

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