We Got Him

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Levi p.o.v.

The brat should be dancing with me any second. Hanji excitedly whispered in my ear so nobody could hear.

"So when is he coming?" She asked.

"When the last song plays. I got a plan just Be Ready." I whispered back.

Hanji nodded and ran outside. The plan was while we were dancing, I would trick him and bring him outside when Hanji and I would take him back to our world. The demon world. I smirked when I saw him nervously walk up to me.

The song ended and the next song started playing. It was a song called This Song Saved My Life by Simple Plan. The brat seemed to smile a little when the song started. He must like this song. Even better. He'll be distracted, and I could take him easier.

"I'm here." He said nervously.

I grabbed his hand and I felt him tense up. I dragged him closer to the door, in the middle of dancing people. Hopefully, nobody would notice us.

We started dancing together like the other people when the song was coming close to ending. This is it.
He seemed distracted when I wrapped my hand on the back of his head. I pushed him close to me when our lips connected. I kissed him.

I felt him tense up more, but he didn't deny the kiss. He then relaxed a little.
Perfect. I pushed the pressure point on his neck and I felt him go lightly limp and fell on me. I smirked and I started to carefully drag him out. Nobody noticed.

"Hanji! I got him!" I shouted to her.

"Oh so cute! Nice choice Levi!" She smiled.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed her hand.

"Ok. Ready?" She asked.

We were gonna use our powers to teleport to the demon world. The castle I lived in. I grabbed Eren to make sure he wouldn't fall. I heard him start to groan.

"Do it now!" I commanded. We teleported and were at the castle in my room.

I threw Eren down on my bed when he started to wake up.

"Huh..?" He muttered. "Now Hanji." I whispered to her.

Hanji injected a needle in him. The needle would turn the brat immortal like us.

Eren yelped when the needle hit his skin. And he passed out again.

"Thank you, Hanji." I muttered.

"What was that?!" She said smirking.

I sighed

"thank you Hanji..." I muttered again.

Hanji skipped out of the room happily.

"HE THANKED ME GUYS! HOLY FUCK!!!" She screamed down the hallway.

I looked at Eren sleeping. This plan couldn't be even more perfect.

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