Not Normal Day...

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Eren p.o.v.

I shut off my alarm clock, and looked in my drawers for clothes to wear. I chose to wear a green sweater with black jeans. After I got changed I went to the bathroom, when I received a text message.

Avatar: yo what up?

I laughed when I noticed it was Connie who texted me. I gave all of my contacts funny nicknames and Avatar was Connie's name. We have a weird habit to text each other when we get ready for school.

Eren: yo dude.

Avatar: what you doing?

Eren: taking a shit.

Avatar: wtf... Me too.

Eren: shit buddies!!!

Avatar: omg dude I laughed so hard more shit came out.

Eren: wtf? Ew.

Avatar: XD see ya at school, my shit buddy.

Eren: your gross.

I laughed at our conversation. I got a nervous feeling again of that dream I had. Just ignore it. It was a dream.

I walked out and had breakfast with Mikasa and Armin. We made stupid convo and we walked out of the apartment for school.

Armin and Mikasa went down the stairs for some reason, when I locked up. I turned around and almost had a heart attack. I noticed somebody opening the apartment door across from me. He looked so familiar. He turned around and smirked at me. Then he locked his apartment and went to the elevator.

Oh my god. It was him. I took the stairs and caught up with Mikasa and Armin quickly.

"Eren? Are you ok? You look like you saw a ghost!" Mikasa asked.

"I'm fine..." I lied.

I thought I was being stupid, but I couldn't deny it. He had the same eyes, height, clothing, hair, and smirk. It sent a shiver up my spine. We all walked to school making stupid talk when I got a text from Connie again

Avatar: yo shit buddy, meet me by my locker. Bring Mikasa and Armin.

Eren: why?

Avatar: just come there. And mind the horse. He's very jumpy today.

Eren: thx for warning me. How about freckled jesus?

Avatar: you mean Marco? Same as always. Following horsey around like he's glued to him.

Eren: okie thanks Connie. See ya in a bit.

I told the gang to meet with Connie and we went to the school. We all went up to Connie's locker. When we got there, it looked like he was flirting with Sasha. So cute.

"Oh hey guys! We're throwing a party tonight at my place! The parents are out so I got my huge ass living room to myself! You guys coming?"

"Sure!" We all said. "Who else is coming?" I asked.

"Jean, I couldn't get him out, Marco, Sasha, Annie, Reiner, Berthold, Ymir, Historia, and other people I invited for the hell of it." I laughed at that part.

"Oh and the new guy."

"New guy?" I asked.

"Mhm. He's a senior who came today. Oh shit that's him!" Connie pointed behind me.

I turned around and my blood ran cold. It was him again. I shook the feeling off and said bye to Connie and Sasha. When Armin and I started walking to our first class, Mikasa waved bye to us. I saw Connie go back to flirting with Sasha. I ship them.

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