The Mysterious Guest

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Levi p.o.v.

I sat up in my bed staring around in the darkness. I groaned when I heard Hanji running towards my room like a maniac.

"LEVIIIIII!" She screamed when she slammed open my door.

"The hell? What is it shitty glasses?!" I yelled back. She jumped excitedly in my room like a child

"Well, you said you want a 'younger slave' right?"

"Mhm..." I didn't know where she was going with this, but something told me I wouldn't like it.

"Well, the high school in the town you go in would accept you as a new student!" "

"I'm not going to a fucking high school." I hated the idea of staying in the human world that long just to find some type of person I would call a slave.

"It's the only option. You'll find somebody and maybe learn some things!"

"Shit I hate it when your right... Fine I'll go to stupid school."
Hanji squealed and jumped around crazy again.

"Perfect! You'll be a senior, and I got you a apartment if you stay over night, and, OH LEVI THIS IS PERFECT! You start tomorrow! Monday!" She then ran out screaming "GUYS, HES GONNA DO IT!"

I collapsed in my bed again. She always gave me a god damn headache.

Eren p.o.v.

I sat in the park with the breeze flowing in my hair when I heard a nervous but excited voice squeal in the tree above me.

"Eren look! I'm gonna reach the top soon! Your about to owe me twenty bucks!"

I smiled when I saw my friend Armin climbing the tree. I bet him he wouldn't do it but I guess I was wrong.

"If he falls, it's your fault." My adopted sister sighed.

"He's not gonna fall. Have some faith in him!"

She looked up at Armin laughing happily when the leaves fell on his face. Armin has always been afraid of many things. Even socializing. I would bet him to do many things that he was scared of so he would be confident again. Seeing him smile and not afraid always made me feel great. And today he told me he was scared of heights. So here we are.

"I guess your right. I do believe he can overcome his fears, but I can't help but be a little nervous."

Mikasa was always protective with anybody she was friends with. Especially Armin and I. Mikasa's family died early when my family took her in. My parents later died as well. When Armin's parents then left us some money to take care of us and a house. Sadly, they died when we became Sophomores. So Armin, Mikasa, and I lived in the old house still going to school living as happy as we could.

"I made it! But... Umm how do I get down?!" Armin shouted. Aw shit...

"Jump! I'll catch you!" I shouted back. Armin trusted me, so he hopped off of the branch he was on when me and Mikasa caught him.

"Guess your right Armin. Here's your cash..." I gave him the money and Armin looked like he just won a contest.

"Well, what do you guys wanna do now?" Mikasa asked.

"I wouldn't mind going home. I'm hungry" Armin said.

We started walking to the apartment Armin's parents left us. It wasn't perfect, but it had everything we needed. Three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. It was awkwardly quiet when we started walking home. Until we got in the elevator, the dumb elevator music started playing, and I wanted to lighten the mood. So the second the doors closed, I shouted

"AW GUYS! THIS IS MY JAM!!" And I started to awkwardly dance around them.

"WOOOO!" Armin laughed and started dancing with me. Mikasa soon rolled her eyes and started dancing too.

"TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!" I shouted. We all started laughing when the elevator stopped and we walked out.

"Well that just happened." Mikasa joked. We laughed again as we walked in the house.

"I call dibs on the couch!" Armin said as he started marching to the couch. He did a weird diving pose and jumped on the couch. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mikasa.

"I call dibs on the Oreos!" She then shouted. When she started marching to the kitchen.

"I call dibs on like, every fucking food in the fridge!" I shouted as I marched to the fridge.

I pulled out a Mountain Dew bottle and popped it open. Armin started the music player we bought and played Die Young.


It was a miracle we weren't yelled at or kicked out. Luckily, we were on the top floor and nobody owned a apartment up here. There was a vacant one across from us, but I don't think anybody bought it.

"OH WHAT A SHAME THAT YOU CAME HERE WITH SOMEONE!" I shouted back. Me and Armin were walking around Mikasa in a circle. Trying to get her to dance along.

She finally rolled her eyes and shouted

"SO WHILE YOUR HERE IN MY ARMS..." We all shouted together,


We all laughed while Armin turned the music down a tad. I looked in the fridge for something to eat.

"What do you guys wanna eat?" I asked them.

"Bacon and bullshit." Armin answered.

"Ok... Bacon and some shit that I will label 'bull.'" Armin laughed "Ehh I'll just have anything."

"Mikasa?" I asked. She thought for a moment.

"Anything you can put in a blender."
I laughed and quickly pulled out every food item I saw. I blended up some stuff Mikasa would like. Oreos, brownies, and chocolate.

"That looks good, actually."
Armin laughed.

I poured three glasses of my mystery drink.

"Bottoms up!" I said.
We clinked our glasses together and took a sip at the same time.

"Damn! That's good!" I exclaimed. Everyone else nodded in agreement when I looked at the clock.

"Fricken 10:00 already?! Shit! We have school tomorrow!"

I went to my room and changed into my pajamas to get ready for bed when I heard laughter coming from outside. I opened my bedroom door.

"What's going o-" I didn't finish my sentence when a bucket of water dumped on my head.

Mikasa and Armin laughed when I saw Armin recorded it.

"God dammit guys!" I shouted.

I was angry but started laughing myself. I looked around at Armin and Mikasa. It was like nothing bad in the world ever happened. It was like Armin never got bullied or rejected even though he was so smart and talented. It was like Mikasa never lost her family spending every second of her life protecting her last bit of family. It was like I wasn't bullied for being "different". I got bullied by Jean, a kid in my school who looks like a horse. And I always felt different then other boys my age. I told Armin I thought I was gay, and he was fine with it. And so was Mikasa. I didn't know if I was gay or not. I guess I'll find out when the time comes...

"Well now I gotta get changed, and then I'm going to bed." I laughed.
We all said goodnight. And I sat alone in my bed. I closes my eyes.

I got terrified when I saw I was around a fiery area. Everything was burnt down but the spot I stood in.
"Hello?!" I called out. No answer. But I saw a pair of dark gray icy eyes stare into mine. I saw it was a man.
"Hello? Who are you?!" I asked.
I was frozen on the spot as he started walking closer to me. He leaned to my ear and whispered

"I'm coming soon. Better look out, Jaeger." Then he disappeared.

I woke up to my annoying alarm. What did I just dream? Who was that? All I know was, I had a feeling I never felt before. It was weird...

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