The Party

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Levi p.o.v.

I walked into my apartment Hanji got me. How lucky that I was neighbors with that brat. My phone went off and I noticed that kid who invited me texted me. I gave him my number in case he had to contact me.

Kid that invited me: there's a theme at the party. Punk or hipster. You still coming?

Levi: yeah.

Kid that invited me: ok. See ya there.

My phone then started ringing when I saw Hanji called me.


"HI LEVIII!" She shouted.

"What is it, shitty glasses?"

"Any updates? You need me to come with you to that party, right?"

I did NOT want her to come, but only she could help me with my "mission".

"Yes you are coming. Dress punk or hipster. And don't be late."


I hung up. She's always over excited. Hopefully she'll be serious tonight. I got changed into some clothes for the party. And I waited for Hanji.

I heard a voice outside my house and I creaked open the door to see who it was. I saw it was the brat with his friends.

"You guys ready?" He asked

"Aw crap! I forgot the food!"
The guy with blonde hair shouted. He ran back in.

"I can't believe he forgot the food. It's a giant bag on the kitchen counter." A girl with jet black hair and a red scarf joked.

They both laughed when the blonde guy tumbled out.

"Ugh it's heavy... Can you guys take it?"

"I'll bet you thirty bucks to carry it without complaining." The brat said.

"Your on!" He yelled as he picked up the bag.

They talked and left. I sat down again waiting for shitty glasses to hurry up. Then a knock was heard at my door.

"LEVIIII!" Kill me...

We left and went started walking to the address the kid gave me.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Hanji asked.

"Eren Jaeger"

Eren p.o.v.

I saw him again. When we left he was there. I ignored it and we were almost there. Mikasa went punk when Armin and I, went hipster.

"You ok Armin?" He looked tired.

"I'm just fine! You better pay up!"

"Ok, ok."

We talked more when we finally made it. Connie looked out the window like a child watching his mother come home. He put on a stupid smile and waved. I could see him mouth the words

"Oh, hey!"

And we saw a ton of cars already in his driveway. The party just started! We didn't take our drivers tests yet, so we walked everywhere we went. When we opened the door, loud music filled my ears.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Armin shouted.

We all ran in when I saw a few of my friends tag up with me. Marco tried to be nice with me, and made small talk. I hardly understood what he was saying due to the loud ass music.


"AM I TEN?" I replied. I couldn't hear anything he was saying.





He laughed and shouted loud enough. "HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?"


Connie lowered the music a little so I could hear everyone a little better. Marco and Jean went hipster, almost matching. Connie was punk, Sasha was hipster, Annie, Berthold, and Ymir went punk. Historia, and Reiner went hipster.

"Anybody want drinks?" I asked.

"Yeah man!" Half shouted.

I ran towards the area. I felt energized since one of my favorite songs were playing. Loser Of The Year by Simple Plan. (Song at top).

I grabbed the drinks and I felt someone bump into me. I looked down and it was the man haunting me this whole day... Levi.

"Oh sorry!" I apologized. He smirked when he saw it was me.

"Oi brat, wanna know how you can make it up to me?" He said in such a smooth tone. It almost hypnotized me.

"You could dance the last song with me. And don't leave until we dance to that song."

He made that last part loud and clear. I nodded and ran with the drinks.

"Here's your drinks guys!" I said acting cheery, handing everyone a drink.

Ymir was flirting with Historia, Jean was flirting with Marco, Connie was flirting with Sasha, and Armin tried to flirt with Annie. Even though he wasn't good at it, Annie smiled the whole time. It made me happy to see half of my friends were gonna be in a relationship soon.

(My otp's sorry if you don't ship them ;-;)

Mikasa grabbed her drink. And so did Berthold and Reiner.

"Hey guys! Cheers!" Connie shouted getting everyone's attention.

We all clinked our cups together, and drank them at the same time. Then everyone went back to flirting. Mikasa whispered in my ear,

"I ship all of them so much." I nodded in agreement.

It was great to see them all so happy. Even Jean. I hate Jean, but I couldn't help but be happy for that horse bitch.

We all had fun, and danced the hell out of the night like we were drunk. Shockingly, Connie didn't get any alcohol, but I think that was a good choice. I checked the clock.

"10:00 already? Holy shit!" I shouted.
The last song would be playing soon...

Aw shit...

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