Help Me Please!

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Gonna be lots of violence in this chapter again.
Photo credit: hug_a_bear of ifunny

Levi p.o.v.

My horse stopped in fear as he saw the dark kingdom. I decided to lead it towards the castle so I could at least allow Eren to ride it home.

I grabbed the door handle to the fucked up castle. Locked. I kicked the fucking door down. The moment I entered I heard a familiar voice scream "LEVI!" Eren.

I followed the voice. The screams were getting louder and more desperate. Until I got to a certain room where I heard a conversation happen.

"F-fuck my life..."


I heard another loud scream. That's him!

I started to kick the door down. Once it fell down, I couldn't believe the sight I saw. Luke threw Eren on a bed, half naked, and covered in blood. As well as coughing up blood.

What. The. Fuck. Did. He. Do. To. My. Poor. Eren?

"Why did you show up now? I was about to have fun." Luke whined.

"I've come back for what's rightfully mine." I growled.

Eren's eyes widened when he saw me. "L-Levi... I knew you'd come..." He sighed as he coughed more blood.

"It's time I finally seemed revenge for you killing my father and harming my beloved." I growled.

"I always knew I would have to fight you someday. But why today? If YOU didn't show up, I could have taken Eren right there." He laughed.

I looked at Eren. He was in his boxers and bleeding from his side. He was crying As well. With shackles on his wrists and legs and neck. The skin around his wrists looked so raw. My poor Eren was gonna be raped if I didn't show up. And if I lose this fight, he'll be raped.

I'm not only fighting for revenge.

I'm fighting for somebody I love.

"It's time we end this." I growled.

"If I win, I get to take Eren. If you win, which I doubt, you can take him."

I felt relief, but it dissolved quickly when he said "But you'll have to kill me."

"Suit yourself." I growled.

Luke grabbed a knife on the floor covered in blood. Eren's blood. And he chucked it at me. I grinned, as I grabbed it before it could hit me.

"I'm not a child anymore. I know how to kick your fucking ass." I laughed.

I threw the knife at him. It sliced his arm. I grabbed the swords on my back, and charged at him.

"Fuck off!" He laughed as he moved out of the way.

I was too smart though. I turned back towards him, and threw the swords near his neck. He started backing up towards the wall.

"Right where I want you. Fucker." I growled.

I pressed the swords closer to his neck, until I saw a light trickle of blood come out of his neck.

"This isn't for my father. This is for my Eren. You'll never lay a hand on him for as long as you live. Which won't be long." I growled.

I sank the swords around his neck until I heard a loud gasp come from him.

He fell to the floor with gurgling noises. Until he stopped moving and making any type of sounds.

The mother fucker is dead.

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