Take Me

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Photo credit: SnK_Eren_Jeager
Smut in this chapter. Not very good at writing it but I hope you like.

Eren p.o.v.

We finally got to the demon world. Everyone was out for a party they were throwing.

That meant Levi and I had the house all to ourselves.

Once we entered Levi's room, he pulled my head to his and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and kissed him back. My back fell on the bed. Levi kissed me still, and held my arms above my head.

He broke the kiss, as he unbuttoned my shirt and his. He pushed his lips against mine again. I took my hands out of his grip, and unbuttoned his pants. He unbuttoned mine as well.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed my neck. I moaned when he hit my sweet spot. He left tons of purple marks on my neck, as he moved to my chest and kissed and licked around it.

I moaned as he licked my nipples. And left even more purple marks trailing around my chest, stomach, and collarbone.

He left a trail of kisses, until he stopped at my boxers.

He moved to my face again, and kissed me. His hand pushed gently against the growing bulge in my boxers.

"Ah... Haaa.... Levi..." I whined.

"Are you sure about this?" He whispered gently in my ear.

"I've never been more sure about anything before." I answered.

"Then, I'm not gonna hold back." He purred in my ear. He bit the top of my ear, and licked the shell of it.

He pulled my boxers off, and wrapped his hand around my erection. He slowly pumped up and down. I moaned more.

He stopped and put three fingers in my mouth. "Suck." He said.

I coated each finger with saliva, when he pulled them out.

I positioned myself on my hands and knees. His fingers went to my entrance. I felt him gently enter the first finger. I moaned at the unfamiliar feeling. He then gently entered a second one. I moaned louder. He started to slowly scissor his fingers around. The third one entered when he finally took his fingers out.

"You ready?" He asked as he positioned himself around my entrance.

"Just do it..." I whined.

Levi grabbed my hips and I felt it slide in. I opened my mouth, and let out a loud moan. He pushed in slowly, trying to not hurt me.

"Ah... L-Lev... Levi..." I whined. "Move..." I said giving him permission.

Levi kissed my cheek, and started to gently thrust in and out. He seemed to hit my sweet spot with one thrust causing me to yelp.

"Should I pick up speed?" He asked.

I nodded. He did so. He went faster and harder. I bit the bed sheets, and dug my nails in on the bed. Every thrust he did got rougher on my prostate. I started to yelp out with each hit on my prostate. His hand wrapped around my erection. He pumped it slowly.

"Ah..! L-LEVI!.." I yelled.

His thrusting and pumping fell in synch. My face was red and my eyes were probably clouded with pleasure and lust. I was sweating slightly too.

My stomach bubbled, and I knew I was close.

"L-Levi... I'm close..." I whined.

He leaned to my ear and purred in a seductive tone. "Come for me, Eren." His pumping got faster.

He slammed more in to my prostate. With a light scream of Levi's name, I came hard.

I started panting, as I felt Levi came in me. He pulled out, and I collapsed on the bed. Levi fell next to me.

"T-That was..." Levi panted.

"Amazing..." I finished his sentence.

I felt exhausted. I felt my eyes slowly closing, but I tried to keep them open. Levi pulled a blanket over us. His lips pushed against mine. He kissed me passionately. When he pulled away, I smiled at him. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you." He smiled.

He got up for a moment, and came back with a big fluffy blanket. He wrapped me in the blanket, like a burrito. He pulled the normal blankets around him, as he hugged me around the fluffy blanket. I pushed my head on his chest, and listened to his heart beating.

"The best part about that is, your mine now. Nobody can hurt you now. Nobody, not even Luke. Only I can love you." He said.

The thought of Levi keeping me safe forever, made me feel more at peace as my eyes started to close.

I was still having trouble sleeping though. Levi must have noticed, because he started to sing Sad Song to me. His beautiful voice helped me sleep.

"Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half, of a whole. Without you, I got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn. Like a sail, in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song...."

Hope you liked it. Sorry it was kinda short.

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