Going Back

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Photo credit: Eren_X_Jaeger of ifunny

Eren p.o.v.

I had a dream I was in a dark room. And the only thing I saw was Levi's eyes. They approached me, and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

Behind us, was my friends smiling at us. Levi pulled away, and kissed me.

The room was getting brighter.

I kissed back, as the room got brighter.

My friends all hugged us and the room got brighter.

The more I kissed Levi, the brighter the room got. Until it was too bright to open my eyes.

I woke up and saw Levi hugging me. There was a fluffy blanket over us. Since Levi was asleep, I guessed one of the servants must have done this.

I put my one hand on the wound, and it stopped bleeding but was extremely sore. Other that that, it's like 'that' never happened.

Levi was still asleep on top of me. He looked so cute... I remembered a few days ago, I was questioning if I loved Levi. And now I look at him. He saved my life, saved me from getting raped, saved me from worse injuries, and made me fall in love for the first time. Of course I love him now.

He shifted around, and opened his eyes.

"How do you feel, Eren?" He asked.

"Just sore." I groaned as I put my hand around the wound again.

Levi sighed, and kissed me. I kissed him back. And he pulled away and stared into my eyes again.

"Say, Eren... Luke didn't do anything to your, you know." He asked.

"No... He was a-about to, but then you came." I told him.

"The mother fucker always wanted what he wanted. No matter what it took. And he wanted to take you, and you were supposed to forget me. Which is why he abused you. After the horrible way he treated you, I'll put his head over the fucking fire place." He growled.

I wrapped my arms around Levi's neck, and kissed him. Levi licked my bottom lip, and I parted my lips. He slipped his tongue inside and explored my mouth. I heard a ton of clicking noises as Levi broke apart, and looked at the intruders.

Hanji and Erwin were taking pictures of us making out...

"Again? Seriously?!" Levi yelled at them.

"We couldn't help ourselves." Hanji laughed.

I felt myself blush, as Levi yelled at them to leave.

"Now where were we?" Levi smirked.

I blushed as he pushed his lips on mine again. I felt his hand brush his fingers through my hair. He pulled apart, and stared in my eyes for a while.

"Is something up..?" I asked.

"No. I just fucking love your eyes." He muttered and stared more into my eyes.

I could say the same about Levi's eyes. They were steel grey. And almost reminded me of ice.

"Levi... Should we go back, before everyone worries?" I asked.

"Yeah we should. But are you ok with going back? After what happened?" He asked concerned

"I'm fine. As long as you d-don't leave me..." I begged as I hugged Levi.

Levi hugged me back.

I finally said the words I never thought I would say "I love you, Levi."

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