He's Watching Us...

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Photo credit: Yaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoi of ifunny

Eren p.o.v.

I decided to ignore the weirdo watching us, and continue normally. Connie was gonna play music again.

"You have to choose like the weirdest songs you can think of." Sasha told him.

Connie plugged in a weird little speaker, as I heard a loud ass "IT'S OK TO BE GAY! LET'S REJOICE WITH THE BOYS, IN THE GAY WAY!"

"What the fuck?" I shouted over the music.

"IN THE GAY WAY!" Connie screamed.

Everyone started laughing like crazy. Jean put his hand out to Marco, as if offering to dance with him. We laughed as Marco took it and they did the 'Nae Nae' dance. Then Ymir and Krista did the same thing. Then Reiner and Berthold. Everyone started falling on the floor screaming and laughing their asses off.

Levi smirked as he walked towards me. And he put his hand out. Everyone stared shocked at us. I blushed and grabbed it. He then pulled me towards the group of people as we started doing the Nae Nae as well.

Everyone screamed and cheered for us.

"What the fuck kind of dance is that?" Levi shouted.

"Nae Nae!" I laughed as he tried to copy my moves.

Connie then turned on Nae Nae. As everyone else jumped in wildly doing the Nae Nae. I still felt like we were being watched...

It was like midnight by the time we all lost every ounce of energy. We bought like six tents. And Connie was setting up separate ones for Jean, Marco, Levi, and I as a joke. But something told me we were all happy about it. The girls had two tents to share while the guys also had two tents to share.

But we still didn't want to call it a night. So we all say by a campfire talking causally. The guy, was still watching us. I could feel it. And see it.

Everyone headed to sleep, and so did Levi and I. We sat in silence in separate sleeping bags, until I felt Levi scoot closer to me and hug me tightly.

---- all aboard the fluff train ----

"Levi... Did you notice anybody... Watching us?" I asked.

"You noticed too? I thought I was going crazy." He sighed.

"Do you know him?"

"Not a clue who it was."

"Why was he watching us..?"

"Beats me."

"Do you think-" he cut me off as he shoved his lips on to mine.

He crawled out of his sleeping bag, and crawled on top of me. He licked my lower lip as I slowly opened my mouth for him. He slithered his tongue like a snake exploring my mouth. His tongue poked at mine as if to wake it. I put my tongue up as we battled for dominance. He beat me, of course. He fell on top of me, as one hand played with my hair, and his other hand creeped under my sleeping bag, up my shirt. I started to let out moans.

"Levi... They'll hear us..." I moaned between the kiss.

Levi pulled away and smirked at me. "Let them."

He then moved towards my neck, and started to kiss at the skin on it. He left a few hickeys, as he turned my head around and started to suckle and gently nibble at the spot he marked me. I guessed he was renewing it.

"Levi..." I moaned.

His kissing got a bit more fierce, as he pushed the blankets on my sleeping bag away. He pushed off my shirt, and started kissing my chest.

"L-Levi!.." I moaned.

He kept kissing my chest, leaving hickeys everywhere. When he then started licking my nipples.

"Agh... Levi..." I moaned again.

He stopped kissing when he heard someone walk by. He went in his sleeping bag as I pulled the blankets up again covering my neck and chest. Armin and Mikasa pulled back the curtain to the tent and smiled at me.

"We just came to say goodnight buddy." Armin smiled.

"Night Eren." Mikasa smiled.

"Night guys." I responded. It was hard trying to control my voice after what Levi did.

They left, and Levi instantly hugged me again.

"God it's hot in here." He sighed as he sat up and took his shirt off.

Now it's hot in here.

I stared again at him. He was very built like in gym class. He turned towards me and noticed I was staring.

"You wanna take a picture?" He smirked.

I blushed, when he managed to somehow close up the tent to prevent anyone to come in. He pulled away the blankets on my sleeping bag again, and lied on top of me, as he then pulled the blankets over us again.

"Goodnight Eren." He whispered as he kissed me.

"Goodnight Levi..." I whispered back.

I felt Levi get a bit heavier on top of me signaling he was asleep. I couldn't sleep at all. I felt like I was being watched again. I gently set Levi next to me, as I pulled my shirt back on and walked outside.

I could hear quiet snoring of my friends, as I got curious and checked a tent labeled 'JeanMarco'. When I opened it, I found Marco lying on top of Jean asleep. Awwww. I closed the curtain again and walked away from that.

I headed deeper into the woods of the huge ass trees. I heard a dark voice mutter "Eren..."

"Hello..?" I called out.

"Over here..." He called. I silently walked towards the voice.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away. It was Levi.

"Levi?" I said surprised.

"Eren! Don't go towards him!" He said.

His eyes looked so concerned. I kept hearing that voice drifting in my ear. I was terrified. I hugged Levi, and lowered my head to his chest.

"Eren..." The voice growled in my ear.

I felt a force grab the back of my shirt, and rip me out of Levi's grip.

"Levi!" I yelped.

The person dragging me put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't cry out.

Levi was running towards us with his hands out. I reached out for them, but got them yanked away from the force.

"Eren!" Levi yelled.

I felt tears slide down my face, as Levi disappeared from my sight, and I was alone with this person.

"Levi!!" I shouted. Though it was muffled from the persons hand.

I kept crying, as my vision went blurry. The last thing I heard was "You. Are. Mine." when I blacked out.

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