Love You Forever

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Photo credit: The_Queen_of_the_Fangirls

I opened my eyes, and saw Levi's adorable sleeping face. Memories from last night filled my head. Levi blinked his eyes open, and smiled when he saw me. He pushed his lips on mine. "Good morning, toy." He teased.

"Good morning, demon." I teased back.

I struggled with my arms, and realized I'm stuck in the giant fluffy blanket.

"Uh... Levi..? I think I'm stuck." I said.

He smirked, and hugged the giant blanket.

"Ah! Levi!" I laughed.

"Eren burrito!" He joked.


"That's what you get for calling me demon!"

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Put me down!"

"Nah. I think I'll keep you like this for a while." He teased me.

He slung me over his shoulder, and placed me on a chair in the corner of the room. I just noticed that we were both still naked. Levi had a blanket draped over his shoulders, but that was it.

He pushed his face closer to mine until our foreheads touched. He was grinning, with a seductive look in his eyes.

"Wha..? What are you doing?" I said. A blush grew on my face.

"Just let it happen..." He purred, and licked his lips. My blush deepened.

He put my head on his shoulders, as he kissed the area he marked. I started moaning. He renewed the mark, and rested his head against mine again.

"So, can I get out of the blanket, now?" I asked.

"Mmm... No..." He teased.

I started struggling again, trying to free myself.

"Hey stop struggling! Your making it less fun!" He whined.

"Levi! Let me go!" I complained.

He laughed, and unwrapped the blankets. I kept the fluffy blanket wrapped around my shoulders like Levi did with his. It looked like we had capes on.

Levi kissed me, when I heard pounding foot steps heading towards us. The door slammed open, followed by a loud, "HEY KIDS! NEED ANYTHING? SOME SNACKS? A CONDOM? LET ME KNOW!"


Erwin was laughing behind her as levi held the blanket closer to him, and turned towards Hanji.


I hugged the blanket closer to me, as they kept laughing, until Levi literarily kicked them out.

"Uh... Can I take a shower?" I asked.

Levi nodded, and pointed at a door in the bedroom.

"Thanks." I walked in with the blanket still around my shoulders.

I left the blanket on the sink, and walked in the shower. I closed my eyes as the hot water dripped down my back. I took a deep breath, when I felt two strong arms pull me towards them.

"Levi..?" I questioned.

"Heh. Just wanted to say hey." He smirked.

I turned around to face him. He leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back as the hot water gently poured down us. We broke apart so we could breathe, and we stepped out of the shower.

"Next time, we're taking a bath together." Levi teased.

"You perv!" I laughed.

We got changed, and Levi acted a little nervous around me. I didn't know why.

"Umm... Eren, I have a question." Levi said.

"What is it?" I asked.

Levi took a deep breath. "Eren, I know how we started off was... Odd... But I have grown more attached to you than I thought I ever could. And I love you. With all my heart."

I stood speechless.

"Anyways, for us demons, after we take someone, we first ask if they'll be our soul. It doesn't mean death or anything. It's just a saying stronger than boyfriend. So with that said, Eren... Will you be my soul?"

Levi. The man who started off with kidnapping me. Then took me home cause he had no choice. After we were alone, he made me feel a way I never experienced before. We grew slightly more closer. He met my friends. He saved me from rape. And he told me he would wait until I was ready. He made me feel even more lust for him. He made me happy. And he made me feel... Amazing. And now he's asking if I will be his forever. I wouldn't want anything else but that.

"Levi... I wouldn't want anything else in the world, but that." I smiled.

Levi hugged me. He didn't show he was gonna let go any time. We both fell on the floor. I buried my head in his chest, and he ran his slender fingers through my hair.

"I love you." Levi whispered.

I smiled and closed my eyes. "I love you too. I always will."


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