Save Me!

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This chapter will contain lots of violence. Just a warning!
Photo credit: The_Queen_Of_The_Fangirls of ifunny

Eren p.o.v.

"L-Levi..." I muttered.

King stopped dead in what he was doing, and turned towards me.

"What did you say..?" He growled in my face.

The tears started to come out of my eyes again as I sobbed out "Levi..."

King grabbed my head with both of his hands, and dragged my face closer to his.

"Forget him! You're mine now! All mine!" He growled.

"L-Levi... S-save me..." I sobbed.

I felt the grip around my head tighten as king looked deadly.

"Say his name again, and I'll have to punish you." He growled.

The tears kept flowing down my face until it was uncontrollable and I broke out into sobs. "Levi... Please save me..."

I felt the grip on my head stop and king disappeared. Until I felt a strong kick in my gut.

I yowled out in pain as he kept punching and kicking me.

"I know it hurts, but you must learn your lesson. Toy." He growled in my ear.

I kept sobbing and screaming in agony as he kept punching and kicking me.

One kick he did, caused me to cough up blood.

"Levi!" I yowled as more blood leaked out of my mouth.

"Shut up!" King yelled at me.

He punched me in the face. Causing me to spit out a tooth and more blood.

"Ughhh... Levi... Please..." I groaned.

King kept hitting me until I couldn't take it anymore. One hit he did made my vision go blurry. He pulled my hair causing me to wake again.

"I'm not done yet!" He yelled at me.

The blood kept leaking out of my mouth, as he picked me up by pulling the chain again, and he pinned me against the wall. He lifted me up, until my feet didn't touch the ground. Yet, he was still taller than me. He had a knife in his mouth.

He pinned me down on the ground as he dropped the knife beside me. His teeth grabbed onto my shirt, and he tugged at it. Somehow the shirt ripped off. He grinned as I laid shirtless under him.

"Please... Stop!" I groaned in pain.

He leaned to my ear and growled "I can't stop now..."

I felt myself tense up, as he grabbed the knife again.

"LEVI!!!" I screamed.

King held the knife gently above my stomach, as he slowly sank it down into my skin. The blood started to leak out of my side as I screamed in agony. He slowly sank it around my side.

"GAH! LEVI!" I started to scream and cry, for him to come save me.

King licked the blood pouring out of my side. I felt his slender fingers wrap around the hem of my pants.

"F-fuck my life..." I groaned.

"Gladly." King laughed at how terrified I was, as he pulled off my pants, leaving me in boxers.

I let out another scream, as King laughed at me. I heard a strange noise by the door. It sounded like it was being broken down.

Someone kicked the door right off its hinges.

King quickly grabbed me, causing me to scream out in pain again, as he set me on a bed.

I started crying as the blood started to gently leak out of my side again. As well as I started to cough up blood again.

King put his finger over my mouth, As if to silence me.

"Why did you have to show up now? I was about to have fun." King sighed at the intruder.

"I've come back for what's rightfully mine." The voice growled.

I looked up to see who it was.

It was Levi.

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