Where's Eren?

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Photo credit to: LaddyAnonymous_ of ifunny

Armin p.o.v. (Still after the party)

We left Jean and Marco to their time alone, and looked all around for Eren. I checked the clock. 11:30. Ugh where is he?

"Maybe he headed home?" Mikasa asked.

I shrugged. Eren liked going to sleep early. Maybe after the last song, he got tired and hitched a ride from somebody.

"Maybe he got a ride home from somebody? I could text everyone who was at the party." I suggested

Mikasa agreed. I grabbed my phone when I saw Sasha grab a bag of chips and empty it all in her mouth. I texted everyone at the party who could have drove him home.

Armin: Do you know where Eren is? Did you drive him home?

I sent that text to: Annie, Berthold, Ymir, and Krista.

Annie: No. Sorry I haven't seen him since he gave me my drink.

Berthold: The only person I drove home was Reiner. I haven't seen him since he challenged me to the just dance contest. Around 8:30.

Ymir: Krista and I came together and the last time I saw Eren was when he told me to get naked for Krista at 7:30.

Krista: I went with Ymir and were the only people in the car. The last time I saw Eren was when we dared him to do the milk challenge around 6:45.

No luck. Maybe he walked home. Or maybe he went with that guy...

"Hey Connie! You got that guys phone number? The guy who you said was new to the school?" I asked

"Oh yeah dude. Here, take my phone." He passed me his phone.

I grabbed it and texted the contact name: Guy I Invited.

Connie: Excuse me, do you happen to know where Eren is? He's sorta missing.

He didn't respond for a while. But when the phone buzzed, I almost dropped it out of surprise.

Guy I Invited: Yeah we were talking at the end of the party. He is with me. But don't worry. I live near his place.

Why would Eren be with him..? And is that the guy who creeped Eren out when we left for school? I saw him that day. And Eren looked scared to see him. What was his name again? Levi? Why would Eren be with Levi...

Mikasa and I walked home when I told her he's with Levi.

"Why is he with Levi..?" She wondered

"No clue. But no need to worry since he's literally in front of our apartment." I responded

"No need to worry? What do you think they're doing there?" Mikasa said.

She's so protective.

"Do you honestly think they're touching balls in there? Maybe they wanted to talk more. Maybe they're friends now. You don't always have to be so concerned about Eren." I sighed.

"Maybe they are touching balls. We don't know." She mumbled.

I wanted to slap her. She had to learn to be a little less worried. We got to our apartment and we looked at Levi's door. Eren is fine.

"He is fine, Mikasa." I said.

"I know... It's just... I can't help but be so protective over him. He's the last family I have. I care for him." She said it in a voice full of sadness.

"He's not your only family. You have me too. We're all a family now. You, me, and Eren. Nothing's gonna happen to us." I meant every word I said.

She smiled and hugged me. "I know Armin. Your a great friend."

We walked in the house and I jumped on the couch. It's my favorite couch in the whole house. The only couch I lay on. It's a white couch with a black outline. It's the most comfortable thing I ever sat on.

"On your favorite couch again I see." Mikasa laughed as she sat on her favorite couch.

We all seem to have a special couch. Mikasa's couch was zebra print. It wasn't as comfortable As mine, but it was a sweet couch. Eren's couch is black with a white outline. It was comfy too, but mine is the best. I looked at Eren's couch and felt a little sad to see it empty. We always sat in these couches and talked. Until we all passed out on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked as I threw off my fake glasses.

"Sure!" She responded as she looked through our dvd cabinet.

"Let's see... We have: Hello kitty island adventures, titanic, mean girls, the walking dead, jackass, mr popper penguins, and... Why the hell do we have Dora the explorer princess adventures?" Mikasa laughed.

"Let's watch that!" I laughed back.

She put the DVD in and we watched it. I regret nothing. The night pretty much went like this:

Dora: where's the castle?


Dora: where?

Mikasa: it's right there...

Dora: let me check the map!


It went like this until I threw a pillow dramatically at the DVD player and accidentally sent the disk out.

"Oops..." I laughed

We both laughed as we put it away and sat in silence. It was 1:00 a.m.

"I'm gonna ask Connie for that guys number." I told Mikasa. She nodded.

I was a little worried about him. And I wanted to know he was ok. But first I should text Eren.

Armin: hey Connie could I have that guys number?

I texted Connie hoping he was still awake. Then I texted Eren

Armin: hey Eren? You ok? You gave Mikasa and I quite a scare when you left.

No response. But I got Connie to respond.

Connie: yeah dude the number is: (insert random number here)

Armin: thanks a lot dude!

I texted the number.

Armin: is Eren ok? This is his roommate Armin.

I waited for a while. Please be ok Eren...

Guy who last saw Eren: he's fine but sick. I'll take care of him though.

Armin: ok thanks. I'll come visit him tomorrow

Guy who last saw Eren: Sure.

Armin: thank you.

For some reason, I felt like something was wrong.

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