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Photo credit: Eren_X_Jaeger of ifunny

Eren p.o.v. (Still sitting with Levi)

I think my face is still red as the others left us. Hanji winked at me when she closed the door. I heard her faint voice say "So, you guys think they're gonna fuck?"

Levi wrapped his arms around my waist as I turned my head around to face him.

"Um... When can I go home?" I asked curiously.

Levi frowned as I said that. "Don't you like it here?"

"No- I... I do but... My family must be so worried and... I mean-" I babbled on.

Levi silenced me and put his finger on my mouth. I felt my face flush up as he wrapped his hand around the back of my head. He pushed me close to his face until our lips met. I didn't deny the kiss, and I let him kiss me. He licked my lip asking for entrance. I hesitated. He pushed me on to the floor, still kissing me. He started to try to force his tongue into my mouth. I gave him entrance when I couldn't hold back anymore. I let out a low moan between the kiss. His tongue explored my mouth as my tongue sat awkwardly in the back of my mouth. He pulled his tongue back in and bit my lower lip. He pulled apart. Light drool followed his lips. He smirked at me and wiped away the drool. I felt the heat on my face. He picked me up again and sat me on his lap again.

"You still wanna leave?" He said with a silky tone.

"I... I... My friends must be worried though. What if they tell the police..." I trailed off.

Levi sighed. "Your right. I told your roommate that your sick at my house. You better play along. We'll go back today. If we hurry, you could see them go off to school."

"Really?!" I said shocked.

Levi smiled when he saw me smile. "Yes. Really. You better play along though."

I nodded as he carried me up to his room again. He threw some clothes at me.

"Get changed. You need to look sick so, don't look too cute." He smirked

I nodded and ran to the bathroom attached to the room. I locked the door and looked at the clothes he threw at me.

They're my party clothes. Wait... If these are my party clothes, then what am I wearing... I had the same pants on, but the shirt was new. I looked at mine and realized it was a little messed up. He must have given me his clothes since mine were ruined.

I put them on and tried to look sick. I messed up my hair, and wet my face a little to look like sweat. Good enough. I walked out and saw Levi had his party clothes on too.

"Ok. We need to do a teleport type of magic, so don't let go of my hand." He told me.

I grabbed his hand hesitantly. Until we flashed and I found myself in the hallway of my apartment building. I heard Mikasa and Armin singing loud music. Again. It felt sad to me though. Do they even know I'm gone?

Mikasa shouted "WHEN YOU..."

Then Armin shouted "TALK DIRTY TO ME!"

Then I heard them make trumpet noises. Of course they had to sing one of my favorite song when I couldn't join in. Levi unlocked his apartment and pulled me in as I stared at the door.

I looked around at the house. It was like his mansion. Black, white, dark gray, and red. Sorta different from my apartment which was tan, white, gray, black, and dark gray. It was almost made like mine though.

My apartment had a big living room with white walls and white carpet. A huge flat screen tv and our three couches.

Next to it is our kitchen. Almost like an island. It has white hard wood flooring. And granite countertops. With a cabinet full of food. Above them, are other cabinets full of random shit. Then a fridge next to it. On the other side is a stove and microwave.

Then behind it is a hallway that leads to the rooms. Mine is a dark area with black and white all in it. Armin's room has white and mixed colors of gray in it next to a window. Mikasa's room has bright colors and a big window with a seat attached to it. A window seat. Then a bathroom in each of our rooms and one at the other side of the entrance.

Levi's house was built like that, but he had black carpet instead. And darker colors with little white and gray showing. It was classy though. I heard a knock at the door.

"Quick, look sick and lay on the couch." Levi ordered me.

I ran and laid on the closest couch I saw. It was almost like the one at home.

"Are you Armin and Mikasa?" Levi asked.

"Yes. Is Eren here?" Mikasa asked.

Levi nodded and moved out the way for them to come in. I heard fast footsteps approach me and pull me into a bear hug.

"M-Mikasa!" I said in a sick tone.

"Eren! How are you feeling?" She said smiling.

"I'm ok... Still sick. I think it was something I ate." I lied. I hated it when I lied.

"Are you coming home?" Armin asked. He looked happy to see me.

I glanced at Levi. "I think I'll stay a little longer." I told them. "It's nice here. And I'm in good hands. Don't worry about me. I'll keep in touch!"

Mikasa looked a little sad but brightened up when I promised to keep in touch. Armin too.

"We gotta go, so we'll bring your homework home. Keep in touch Eren!" Armin said as he grabbed Mikasa's hand and dragged her away.

"Bye Eren." She said cheery. I can tell she's sad to see me stay.

Levi locked the door and stared at me. He sat on a couch next to mine. I felt something vibrate in my pocket. My phone! I grabbed it and saw I was getting a ton of texts.

Avatar: is my shit busy still missing?

Horse bitch: Ok ok. I'm sorry for making fun of you when I thought you were gay. Turns out I'm gay too.

Freckled jesus: Jean and I are a couple. Sorry for any trouble we cause. He may be a bit too giddy.

Miss Potato girl: you left your food at Connie's house. It's all gone though. I'll send you some since your missing at the moment. What's your coordinates..?

Yammir: heard you went missing. Don't fall down the well. Or lassie is gonna lose his shit.

Female chick Norris: Armin told me you went missing. I never saw him freak the fuck out so much.

Kritsy: hey Armin told me you went missing. Stay safe!

Berty: hope your still not missing. If you need a drive, I got Ya.

I felt my heart warm up seeing so many people actually were worried about me!

I texted everyone who sent me missing texts: don't worry I'm safe and Armin and Mikasa just visited me. I won't be at school for a bit. Thanks for worrying about me! It means a lot. But I'm fine now.

Then I texted Jean: Welcome to the gay club. And congrats on being with Marco. I always thought you guys would be great together.

Then I texted Marco: it's cool. Congrats on the new 'special' friend.

I smiled when I re read every text. I saw Armin sent me a late night text around 1:00 a.m. They really did miss me.

"Who you texting, brat?" Levi asked.

"I was right. People were worried about me." I told him as I got tons of texts from everyone.

Levi smirked as he grabbed my phone and set it aside from the table. And he pulled me into a hug.

A New Toy (an ereri fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now