Were Going On A Trip

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Photo credit: Gayger of ifunny
May be triggering a bit to certain people. I apologize for that

Eren p.o.v.

I kept having a dream that I was in a dark room. And Levi's silver eyes were the only thing I saw. In fear, I ran towards him, and hugged him.

Someone was behind us.

He had red glowing eyes. And was taller than us. And he had a huge evil smile. But that's all I saw. I kept crying in Levi's chest. I was terrified. He didn't move. But the figure behind us grabbed my arm, and dragged me away from Levi. That's when Levi started running towards us. Even though the guy was casually walking, and Levi was running, he kept getting farther and farther away from us.

"Levi!" I shouted after him.

"Eren!" He shouted after me.

He finally got close to me, I threw my hand out towards him, as he grabbed it, but was dragged away by another shape. We kept screaming after each other. When I woke up.

Levi was still on top of me. But he was awake. Was he watching me?

"Good morning, Eren." He whispered.

I was still shaking from fear out of my dream, and I think I was crying.

"Eren, why are you crying?" Levi mumbled in my ear.

"Bad dream..." I mumbled.

He got up, and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the room, into the living room, when Levi sat down, he dragged me on to his lap.

"So I was thinking we should get to know each other." He told me. "Why don't you start with your story?"

"Ok.." I muttered. I told him everything from my past.

(Erens past)

I was about nine years old. And my dad was taking me to meet this girl named Mikasa. I got excited to make a new friend since my only friend was Armin. But once we opened the door, there was only a note.

It said "I can't take the pressure anymore. Please take care of Mikasa." And it was signed her mothers name.

We found the master bedroom with a little girl crying in the corner. When we asked what's wrong, she pointed to the closet. When we opened it, there was a woman who hung herself. And it turned out the crying girl was Mikasa who found her dead mother.

We asked her why she would do that and she replied "My father yelled at her again." An I'm guessing they were a terrible couple.

We took in Mikasa when we thought it would be best to keep her away from her father. It was too.

We lived together and introduced her to Armin. We've been best friends ever since.

My mother, she had an accident. A car crash. And my father didn't know until he went looking for her. Then he saw the sight. And we never saw him again.

Armin's grandparents took us in then. We were about thirteen years old. And life was great. We were then fourteen years old when they died of old age. But they left us money, a nice house, and we continued life normally. We never mentioned it though out of sadness.

But one day, for some reason, I snapped. And I would cry a lot. I would be depressed. But I would be too scared to cut or harm myself any other way. Mikasa and Armin were the only things that kept me living.

When I turned fifteen, I put my depression behind me. Yet I still feel it easily, But that's why I get so emotional so quickly.

I finished my backstory, crying slightly. I felt two strong arms wrap around me, hugging me. Levi was comforting me.

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