Going Back!

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Photo credit: The_Queen_Of_the_Fangirls of ifunny

Eren p.o.v.

It's been a week already, amazing spring break. And today was February 1st. And that meant back to school.

Allow me to fill you in on break. After the minecraft party, we had a mario kart tournament. I kicked ass, but I couldn't for the life of me, beat Annie at the game. She's too good.

Day 4, we had a dance tournament. And the two losers had to do a romantic dance together. Jean sucks at the game, and my stomach still hurt from earlier, so I lost with Jean. And we had to dance to a one direction song. There. Was. So. Much. Touching! I even had to leap into Jean's arms! He had to lift me up, and we were so awkward. As if my stomach didn't hurt enough, he kept accidentally jabbing it with his elbow. At the end, Levi was sorta jealous, and so was Marco. So after everyone went to bed, we snuck out and danced together.

Day 5, we all went swimming. My stomach wasn't sore anymore, so I was excited. But a few friends freaked out when they saw a huge scar on my stomach. I told them I fell down a tree. Lame excuse, but it worked. I was somehow a blushing mess around Levi though. And he couldn't stop smirking at me. God damn that guy is hot.

Day 6, we all went on a adventure. We almost got fucking lost, but it was fun. Levi kept dragging me behind a big tree, and kissed me, then threw me back to everyone like it didn't happen. And somehow they didn't notice! I think I saw Jean drag Marco away, and do the same thing. Annie dared Armin to eat a bug and he said "Your fucking on!" And ate like three ants until he threw up. Then I remember Reiner wanted to lick a tree. "Reiner don't lick the tree..." Annie sighed. "You can't tell me what to do, Leonhart." He replied. And then he licked the tree.

Day 7, we all sat down and watched a movie. It was a horror movie. I got scared, and Levi gave me this look as if saying "I-Would-Fuck-You-If-There-Weren't-Witnesses." Then he jumped at a jump scare, and we cuddled under a blanket, shivering. Same thing happened between Jean and Marco. And Armin and Annie. And Berthold and Reiner. And Connie and Sasha. And Krista and Ymir. Mikasa laughed and stared at the screen clearly not scared.

Then we went home.

Levi kept me up all night though. I remember we both sat on the couch, well, he sat on the couch, and held me on his lap. And we were watching Walking Dead.

"So Eren, what did you think of the party?" He asked.

"It was fun." I replied. I was too intense watching the show. Oh my god, if Beth is really dead... It's gotta be a joke... God dammit...

Levi watched the show some more, when the end credits came on. I watched for a while, when Levi surprisingly tackled me to the couch, and pinned me down.

He kissed me. I gasped in shock, and he snaked his tongue in my mouth. He pulled away, and stared into my eyes for a while. I felt myself blush, and get nervous. He noticed, and smirked as he gently pulled on my shirt.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I yelped.

"Strip." He replied. Still pulling my shirt.

I think I passed out after that. I can't remember.

I woke up and checked the clock 6:45.

"Aw shit. Levi! We're late!" I said and shook him off of me.

I felt my face completely heat up when I noticed my shirt was gone. Dammit Levi...

I got changed, and dragged Levi's ass off of the couch.

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