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Photo credit: Yaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoi of ifunny.
You guys are gonna hate me after this chapter. I'm sorry!

Levi p.o.v.

"Eren!" I shouted.

I threw my hand out towards him as he tried to reach for it. The person grabbed them, and disappeared with Eren.

I stood there motionless with my hand still out. Eren... He's been kidnapped by 'him.' I should have seen this coming!

I ran back to camp to keep worries low, so I left a note saying: Eren and I headed home because he got a little sick again. We'll return A S A P. Signed, Levi.

Then I teleported to the demon world. Erwin ran towards me with Hanji chasing after him.

"Levi! They attacked!" He panted.

"Who attacked?!" I yelled.

Hanji's glasses were cracked. And she spoke with her voice stuttering. "Luke... He attacked the kingdom."

I stood speechless again. Erwin looked exhausted, while Hanji looked stressed. I saw my servants walking out terrified. Petra was helping Oluo walking, since he was limping. Gunter and Eld were helping Petra while they looked traumatized.

After Erwin caught his breath, he sat down and told me what happened. "Luke. His army came and asked where you were. I told them you were out and didn't have time to deal with you. He then asked us 'Where's the Brunette?' And Hanji asked what he meant. He responded 'I want Levi's toy.' And we realized he was talking about Eren."

Hanji then picked up where he left off adding "Luke then started to hurt people and said 'Hand over the toy and I'll leave without harming anybody' and we refused. He started to attack us then. After attacking, one of his soldiers found the location of you two. And they hurt us a little more, then left. Oluo took the most injuries since he was protecting Petra. Gunter and Eld weren't hurt badly, but still should get help. And Petra was pretty hurt."

"And you guys?" I asked.

They didn't respond for a while.

"I saw Hanji limping when the fight ended." Erwin admitted.

"And Erwin isn't moving his arm if you didn't notice." Hanji admitted as well.

I saw my kingdom in such devastation. First off, Eren gets kidnapped, and my kingdom gets brutally attacked by Luke!

Wait a second, he attacked because they wouldn't tell him where Eren was. Don't fucking tell me Luke kidnapped MY toy!

"First off, who's least injured?" I let my anger show in my voice.

Gunter and Eld stepped forward.

"You two heal everyone and calm everyone down." I ordered them.

They bowed, and headed towards Oluo to help him.

"Listen here you two." I commanded Erwin and Hanji.

"Eren was kidnapped by that fucker! So I have to go save him. You two are in charge after you get healed. And so help me, if everyone isn't healed by the time I get back, I WILL raise holy hell!"

They nodded as they walked towards Gunter and Eld to get help.

I walked into my castle, and took my father's favorite swords. I put them on my back with the sword holder I had on it.

"I'm coming Eren." I declared as I rode my horse towards the twisted kingdom.

Eren p.o.v.

I woke up on a cold floor in a room I never saw before. Memories of what happened spilled into my mind.

"Levi...?" I weakly called out.

I sat up and realized I had shackles on my arms and legs. I even had one around my neck with a chain sticking out like a leash.

Where the hell am I..?

"H-Hello..?" I called out. My voice was cracking randomly.

My face was wet from when I was crying from earlier, and the skin around my wrists was turning raw from me trying to remove the shackles.

I heard a door open, and I looked in front of me and saw a dark shape appear, and walk towards me.

He was about twice my size, had pitch black hair almost like Levi's, he had red eyes, and a huge grin with shark looking teeth.

"About time you woke up." He grinned at me. His voice was incredibly deep. It was actually terrifying.

I started to scoot away from him out of fear. He got on his knees, and started to crawl towards me like an animal stalking its prey. I felt tears form in my eyes, yet I refused not to cry.

My back hit the wall, as the man crawled closer and closer to me. I finally let the tears stream down my face as he was completely over me.

"W-Who are y-you...?" I stuttered.

The man smirked at me being so helpless. He leaned towards my ear and whispered "Your new owner. You will call me King. And I own you."

I shuddered after he spoke those words. I sank lower to the ground, when he was completely hovering over me. The tears were falling down my face, and I wasn't even trying to stop them. The man who I call 'King,' leaned down to my face. He licked up the tears that were shedding out my eyes. I tensed up, and tried to push him away. He grabbed the chain that was connected to the shackles around my wrists, and pinned it up above my head. I struggled until I couldn't feel the skin around my wrists anymore. It was too painful to fight.

"Your so fucking cute..." He sighed. "I'm so glad I took you from Levi..."

The tears started filling more out of my eyes, until my vision started to get blurry from crying. King grabbed my chin, and pulled me closer to his face. When I got a closer look at him.

His eyes were blood red, he had no other facial features, and those teeth he had looked dangerous...

He kept pulling my chin, until our lips connected.

I instantly tried to pull away, but he wrapped his hand on the back of my head so I couldn't move.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I wouldn't let him. That's only for Levi.

He bit my lip with his shark teeth, causing me to yelp. He instantly snaked his tongue in. I tried to bite down on his tongue so he would take it away, but he kept biting my bottom lip making me want to cry out in pain.

He pulled away and smirked at my fear stricken face.

"How about we go somewhere more... Private?" He laughed.

I shook and pushed myself down closer to the ground. He grabbed the chain around my neck, and gave it a big pull. I coughed, as I ended up following him so I wouldn't choke. We were completely alone in this home. Even bigger than Levi's.

He kept dragging me, until he opened a door and pushed me inside. I collapsed onto the floor as he closed the door behind us. I looked up at him seeing nothing but lust in his eyes.

He was completely hovering over me again. Staring in my eyes. He leaned down to my neck, and started to kiss and bite it.

"Agh... Stop..." I begged.

He covered my mouth, and grinned at me when I tried to move away.

"I must take you as my own." He whispered.

My eyes widened when he told me what that meant. 'Taking me' meant he had to... Do the do with me...

He kept my mouth covered, as he went to my ear. "You'll be so happy afterwards." He said in a silty tone.

Fear shot through me, when I heard a familiar voice "I'm coming Eren."

"L-Levi..." I muttered.

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