Thanks For Reading!

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! This was my first ever story, and so far my most successful one! I can't thank you guys enough for all the views and favorites!

Now don't be upset that the story is over. It's not over. I'm making a sequel! And I'm gonna give you guys a sneak peek cause I love you guys!


Eren p.o.v.
I gasped for breath as I ran through the woods. I knew this was a stupid idea! I shouldn't have left Levi like that! What was I thinking making a stupid bet like that?!
I tripped over a rock, and rolled over the floor. I gasped for breath and I felt my side. The area where my old cut was. I reopened it and it started bleeding again. I can't keep going.
I struggled to get off the floor. My heart hurt like crazy. I know Levi could tell I wasn't doing so well.
'I'm sorry Levi...' I shuddered.
If I knew he was back I wouldn't have ever left the warmth of Levi's arms.
I stumbled and fell again. He's getting closer...
"Awww! Poor baby can't stand up straight!" The voice laughed.
I looked up and met the eyes of the man I was horrified to see again.


Hope that got you guys excited! Thank you for all the views and favorites. I love you guys! Keep an eye on my page for the sequel!

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