Operation Get JarMika Canon!

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Photo credit: Eren_X_Jaeger of ifunny you guys like the title? It's Jared and Mikasa SHIP name. XD

Armin p.o.v.

Our plan was ready. Mikasa was gonna have girls night with friends, and we're gonna have guys night with our new friend. And we try to convince them. Eren, Levi, and I waited at my apartment for the others to arrive. Berthold was giving everyone a ride. We saw the car pull up out the window, and we ran down to meet them.

"Thanks for inviting me guys." Jared said.

"No problem man. Your our buddy now." Connie assured him.

Jared smiled, as we walked up to the apartment.

"So what's first?" Jared asked.

"I feel like we should get to know each other better. Since your new and everything." I suggested.

Everyone agreed. We spun a bottle to choose someone, then spun it again for someone to ask a question. The bottle first spun on Eren. And it spun on Levi. This is gonna be awkward.

"Ummm... Who was your first kiss?" Eren asked shyly.

"You." He smirked.

I could sense the sexual tension between them.

Levi spun the bottle, and it landed on me.

"Umm... First friend?" He asked.

"Eren was my first friend." I smiled.

I spun the bottle, and it landed on Jared. "Hmm... First crush?" I asked.

"Oh umm... I never liked anybody, until now..." He muttered.

"Who?" I asked.

"Please don't tell anybody else. I-I like Mikasa." He said shyly.

Mikasa p.o.v.

"Seriously guys where are we going?" I demanded as Ymir drove us in the car.

"Not telling!" Ymir said stubbornly.

"Fine." I groaned and looked out the window.

"Is this a nail salon?" I groaned.

"I hate it too. Krista made me plan girls day here." Ymir sighed.

"This is shit." Annie groaned with me.

"Come on Annie, think of how much Armin will love to hold your hand after they're all pretty looking?" Sasha said.

Annie's eyes widened and she sighed. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

It was actually kinda fun. Everyone talked about their dates to Valentine's Day, and they asked me about my... New friend... They know I have feelings for Jared. There's no way he feels the same. If he asked me out, I would freak out. But he won't.

Eren p.o.v.

We convinced Jared to ask Mikasa out to the dance. Now we wait.

8:30. The door opened, and Mikasa walked in. We said hi, and Jared asked to talk to her alone.

They went to her room, and we all spied on it outside.

"I have a question, Mikasa."

"What is it?"

"Well, you know that party Connie's throwing..?"


"Will... Will you be my date to the party?"


"Yes! Yes I will!"

"YES! THE SHIP HAS SAILED!" Connie screamed.

"It's official! JarMika is canon!" I laughed.

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