Chapter 17: Voices

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-Sky's Pov-

"Katlin! What do you want?!" I said while grabbing my budder sword. She laughed and let out a little grin.

"Oh Sky I think you know what I want!" She then lifts her claw and points toward me. I look carefully where she is pointing. It wasn't me It was my Amulet.

"No you cannot have this. What do you need with it anyway!"

"You really think I will tell you. The only thing you must know is that it is 'Dangerous' ." She said. I felt anger surging thru my body without knowing it flame came upon my hands. Feeling this energy made me feel good but I must not let power consum me.

"Seems like you did practice," She said while taking out her arm causing a tiny flame on her claw," But I would save that anger for someone else if I were you. Danger is coming your way..." As those words came out of her mouth she threw the tiny fire at a nearby tree as it bursted into flame. I notice that Katlin was gone but Issabella and I were stuck in a burning forest. I grabbed her hand as i pulled her thru the smoke. Tree branches on fire started falling above us I could see the kingdom but then a tree fell on top of me as I pushed Issabella outward of the forest. After that It went Black before I heard some thing.

Save me, Save Them...

-Katlin Pov-

I stood above the burning forest watching as everything below burned into ashes then into nothing. It was a beautiful sight. I spread my wings once more and flew back to the squids base to inform Dawn.

Why are you doing this...

I stopped in my tracks looking around. "Who's there!" I yelled. Noone was around me, I must be going crazy.

You know this isn't you...

I tried my best to concentrate on Dawns order and fly back but that voice. It sounded familer.

Why do you obey Dawn... Like a puppet.

I stopped in my track. What is going on Am I losing it?!?!

You are doing it again...

I stayed quiet waiting for another response.

Obeying. By. Force!!!

I now knew what I was hearing. That voice. It was my own...

-Molly's Pov-

I was sleeping in my bed untill I heard people screaming outside. I sat up and walked toward the window. My eyes open wide when I saw that the forest was on fire. I grabbed a Sweater and headed outside to the front of the kingdom. Jerome and Mudkip where trying to put out the firs with water and Mudkips powers. I saw Mitch dragging something so I ran close to him and saw It was Sky.

"What happened to him!"

"What are you doing here you're suppose to be asleep!"

"I heard screaming and saw you dragging my brother! What was I suppose to do!" Sky looked alright as I crouched close to him. He had burned marks and ashes all oer his face. Mitch took him into the kingdom as I saw someone else. I walked over and saw Sero with a girl. She has so many scars over her. What is going on here?

-Laurie's Pov-

I stayed in my room playing with my cat while waiting for Katlin to come back from her mission. It was actually kind of nice to have a friend that is human and not a squid. Queen Dawn is alright and all but I always get this strange feeling whenever she gives me a task but I have to obey her orders anyway. I heard a knock at my door as I catapulted off my bed toward the door. (YOU HAPPY MS.GONZAULES I USED A VOCAB WIRD >:3 ) I opened the door and saw Katlin she looked horrible I helped her into my room as we talked.

"So how was the mission?" I asked curiously.

"Went fine until I kept hearing stuff."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I don't know for sure but Dawn told me this would happen but It's getting anooying cause of a voice."

"Have you told Dawn yet?"

"Not yet I will tell her soon due." As she said those words she then suddenly placed her hand over her forehead.

"Shut up..." I heard her say. Strange...

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