Chapter 7: I Hate You

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~Tys Pov~

I followed the squids and Dawn to there base under water. I snuck up beind them and entered the base. I hid behind her throne to see where she was going. "The prisoner is safe and secure in her cell your majesty." "Good job." The squuds opened the door for her and she went inside. How am I gonna get in there with the squids blocking the only entrance?  "YOUR WRONG THEIR MY FRIENDS THEY WIL-" Then I heard a slap. I almost lost my temper right there. How could Dawn do this to us! I then saw someone else going to the same way Dawn went. He looked almost like Seto. He had red hair and a firey robe. He had what look like a spell book and he then entered the room. I have to think of plan and fast . I then remebered I left Team Crafted darn it. I then heard the door open. I peered from my hiding spot and saw Dawn, the same dude and... what the nether! (Help me Im using spotify and it put the song im in love with the coco -_- ) It was Katlin but she was diffrent. She looked at a mirror and I saw a wicked smile spread across her face. "So Dawn what's the plan to destroy those bitches." Katlin said crossing her hand. Was she talking about us? Dawn laughed "Well looks like someones in a hurry to get what she wants."

"I just want to get my revenge on them and make my suffering end Dawn."

"Well you will get it just hope the squids didn't already kill the others at the base but for now you can have Deadlox." She said and she looked my way and smirked.

"You really think I didnt notice you follow us." I growled under my breath and walked out from my hidding place.

"What did you do with Katlin Dawn!"  I took of my necklase and I transformed into my enderdragron hybrid. I took my claws out ready to attack Dawn that was until Katlin jumped in front of me and clawed at my arm. I jumped back from the impact.

"Katlin what the nether was that for!" I said holding my arm.

"Can't I have some fun?" She said with a smirk on her face.

"Katlin whatever is going you have to snap out of it you know this isn't you!" I got back up and healed my wound but Katlin was walking up to me with her claws out and her eyes. She was trying to do that trick to me again.

"Oh Deadlox this isn't because of me. Its because of you and your friends. Now why dont you just forget all about that ," She grabbed my neck and held me up," and just take a rest."

She held me up to her face but I kept my eyes as shut as possible.

"Oh come on Deadlox this won't work unless you open them. Don't you want to see my pretty eyes."

"Katlin plz stop!" I tried to pull away but she grabbed my arms then She placed her finger on my nose covering my breathing.  I opened my eyes to get some air i couldn't breath. Terrible mistake. Her eyes were the first thing I saw and then everything turned black.

~Katlin's Pov ~

I saw Deadlox calm down as his body went limp. I placed him down and looked at Dawn. "That was inpresive Katlin." Dawn said walking up to Deadlox. "Its pretty simple for me he's easy to persuade and it wasnt like he had any choice." Deadlox was just standing there his eyes were purple once again like last time. I found his necklace and picked it up. "Hey Dawn I'm heading back to base." I placed the necklace on myself and I returned to my normal form. "Deadlox obey Dawn till your out of you trance or untill I return understand." "Understood Master." He replied in a robotic voice. I laughed and walked out of the base. Look out Team Crafted I'm coming.

~Sky's Pov~

We managed to scare off the squid army away as they ran back to their base. Jason was on guard. But I was terrified Ty saw the glow. He might find about me. But he told me his secret why shouldn't I. "Hey Sky Its Katlin!" I walked up to the Gate and saw Katlin running but no sign of Ty wonder what happened. We opened the gate for her and she told us that Dawn had captured her and Ty. Ty helped her escape by giving her his necklase and to tell me to send rescue.  "Im sorry I told him to leave me but he said I would probably get here faster." I nodded and she walked up to her room. We all agreed to get ready to get him out the next day. I couldn't sleep I got up grom my bed and walked to the library I knew Seto is up to read or study. I hope he could help. I knocked the door and waited for him to awnser. "Sky? What are you doing here. Your supposed to be asleep."  He let me into his room and we sat at his table. "I need to talk to you about something Seto but you can't tell anyone."

"It most be really serius if you don't want the others to know about it." I nodded in agreement.  "Alright go ahead my lips are sealed." I took a deep breath and took of my sunglasses. "What happened to you Sky?"   I told him everything about what happened while I was out Herobrine, The Powers, my necklace, and The Old Enemies things He told me. Guess it came true. 

"That's intense Sky but how come you havent told the others I mean everyone knows of Tys new found power but your the leader of this place and you kept a secret."

"I know I know but I don't think I should tell them yet. It may cause more damage to our kingdom then what has happened last time with Tys other side. What if the same thing happens to me." He patted me on the back.

"Don't worry about it now. In the meantime you need some rest." I got up from my chair and left before I thanked him for the talk. I just hope everything will be fine.

♡~Next Day Katlins Pov~♡

I got up from the bed early. I headed to the weapons room and broke the swords and bows. I then levated it back in place and hoped they didn't notice. I walked back to my room before I suddenly felt a strong force coming from Sky's room. I entered and saw him asleep I walked closer and the closer I got I notice his amulet glow brighter. It most be a harmstone. Samething in Tys necklase.  Harmstones come in diffrent ways but they do the same thing. They keep the person look normal and keeps the evil inside. I grabbed the jewel and tried to rip it out but instead it woke him up. "Katlin What the nether are you doing!" I smirked "I need that amulet!" We each a grabbed a side of the amulet and pulled. I managed to grab his amulet but then he grabbed mine. I transformed to my form and he then droppen it in startle.

"W-What happened to you?" I grabbed his amulet and mine and shoved in my pocket.

"You idiot why the nether would you pull that of me. Dawn was right when she said she fucking hated you!" I tried to run out the door but he grabbed my leg and I fell and hit my head against the wall hard. I felt blood on my head and there was a black blur surrounding me. Fuck.

~Sky's Pov~

I took a deep breath to proses what just happened. I crawled to her side and checked her pulse. She was still alive. Good and Bad. I grabbed my necklase from her pocket and put it back on. What did Dawn do to her. She looked so different then her normal transformation.  I went thru my drawer looking for my phone. Once I found it I called Jason, Seto,Jerome, and Mitch. When they came into my room they saw Katlin on the floor with a bleeding head. "Sky What the nether happened in here." Asked Mitch.

"And what's with Katlin?" Said Seto qhile pointing at her.

"Long story." I responded


Seto placed Katlin in a expirement cell so that he can run test on her. We followed him down to the room. Katlin had already woken up and was already trying to break free of the chains on her arm and leg.

"Katlin can you hear me?" Seto said thru a microphone. She looked up and looked at us. "What the fuck you want..." Woah never heard her bad words so much.

"What happened to you?"

"That's none of your business just mine to know Seto."

"Ask her about Ty and Dawn." I suggested to Seto he nodded in agreement and used the microphone again.

"Could you at least tell us what has happened to Ty?"

"How should I know He's a servant to Dawn now. One less person to kill here at this damn nether."

"Why would you do that to him He was your friend!" I yelled at her. How could she after all we have done.

"Friend? I don't think you get the point why I did this to him. Because I have no friends. I hate you! I hate him! I hate you all! You all treat me like shit!" We turned the microphone off and faced the guys.

"Guys I don't think we could fix her. She's messed in the head."

"Well it isnt her fault Dawn did that to her but I don't know how exactly." Asked Seto.  I looked back at Katlin knowing this would be the same fate I will have sooner or later...

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