Chapter 29

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(*comes out of grave* OH GOD HOW LONG WAS I OUT *looks at grave stone* 0-0 OMG I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR A MONTH GAH MY SISTER IS GONNA KILL ME.

Hey guys Cherry here Im sorry I havent updated I have been busy with moving, changing schools, and going to high school -.- I dont know why life hates me but I think I will update more now since I have my phone everyday now after school. I will try but sorry guys no ending animation my computer is broken down and now I have to buy a full version of my animation app to animate so sorry ;-; *puts budder armor* dont kill me)

-Skys Pov-

FUCK FUCK FUCK WHERE IS HE (parden my language :3) I flew around town, forests, even in caves searching for Ty. Where could he be?! I felt tears run down my eyes as I see the sun setting down on a tree, but I saw a figure on the tree. The person spread their wings as I saw a smirk on their face. They flew at me as it punched my stomach. I fell of the tree clutching my stomach coughing blood.

"Well well looks like you arent as tought as i thought huh?"

I looked up seeing only blur the persom then grabbed me by my shirt looking at me.

"Look at me pussy or else it will end now."

I still saw bour but I looked the person straight in the eye.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU MISS ME IM BACK." He threw me at a nearby tree as I hit my head causing the world to spin around me before looking back at him.

Deadlox what happened...


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