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Hey guys Cherry here so Many of you have asked for Part 3 of The Journey Begins well WISH GRANTED *glitchy throws confetti* Thats right I shall write Part 3 of this book and I want to do better then the Part 1 and Part 2 so I'm gonna make the pages longer and more sense.

For better news It will take awhile to write the pages so i will put sneak peeks here for you all and pics :3 Enjoy this tiny part from Remember... (The Journey Begins)

-Sky's Pov-

*beep Beep Beep Beep*

I slammed my hand on the alarm clock, as I heard a robotic Beep. I sat up and saw I broke my clock, again. I shoved it off the cabinet as it fell into the trash can with the others, I got up stretching my body ready for the day hoping everything goes alright as usual. I walk to my closet grabbing my clothes and amulet, and headed out the door. Everything is alright and all but I don't enjoy walking down stairs because I always pass this room, it strange. No one lives in it, it seemed abandoned. Wonder why?

"Sky lets go we have to head to the forest to get more resource!" yelled Jerome from downstairs. I rundown stair still wondering of the room...

•Ty Pov•

I ran across the town running away from the demon dogs, holding the bag of bread in my claws. I try to use my wings to fly off but my wings were to broken, I then hit a wall and fell back as the demon dogs started grabbing my shirt. I threw the bag the other direction as I saw the owner walk up to me. The demon dogs Ran behind him as he start kicking me.

"You mother Fucker how many times I tell you not to steal my food! Go back from the hole you crawled out off." He growled at me before spitting at my face. They walked away taking the food with them as I sat up leaning against the wall. I cried, this is my life it has been for the last 2 years. I miss them, I do but I couldn't handle seeing Sky get sent away they need him. I reached my hand into my pocket grabbing an old photo of everyone Mudkip, Mitch, Jerome, Bodil, Bashur, Sky and me. I hugged the photo knowing I would never see them again. Well I couldn't see anything anyway I'm practically like a blind man except everything is just blurry. I sat there for a few minutes then got up placing the photo back in my pocket. I walked to the back of a hotel looking for my bag. I found it under the trash bags, grabbing it I placed my bag over my shoulder and walked off. My journey is the usual walk around the neighborhood looking for some food. I chuckle under my breath, I don't even remember when I had my last meal.

"Hey you!" I heard behind my back, I quickly turn around only to be hit by a fireball. I flew back landing on the ground with a great pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes just to see more blur, I couldn't see who my attacker was.


SkyBrine:The Journey Begins (Part 2 )Where stories live. Discover now