Becca and Cuts

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I wake up and I still feel exhausted from last night, I have to get up though. I have college and I always meet my friend Becca to walk with her, we have our first class together. Of course she has no idea who my brother is, I only met her when we started college.

"You're going out?" I stop as I hear a voice call me.

"Erm yeah. College." I gesture over my shoulder as Harry nods and waves at me, I turn and leave quickly avoiding conversation. It's 10:30 when I greet Becca.

"How is my beautiful babe?" she asks and links my arm, swishing her hair behind her back. Becca is a stereotypical pretty popular girl but she has a heart of gold though I'm not sure how we became friends? She looks like she has just been picked freshly out of a vogue magazine or something.

"I'm good." I say in almost a whisper. She stops mid walk which trips me up as I'm linked to her, I stumble a little and look at her.

"What?" I say forcing myself to fake a smile and a laugh, it feels dry in my mouth as I try to convince myself I'm fine.

"Don't lie! I know, I have a fifth sense." she tells me deadly serious.

"You mean a sixth sense?" I correct her.

"What?" she asks me confused.

"Everyone has 5 senses. You mean you have an extra one. Six." I state logically.

"Oh. Yeah." she giggles, "Whatever, what's wrong?" she repeats putting one hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow at me.

"Just my sisters, the usual arguing." I lie to her. She seems satisfied with this answer though and re-links my arms and begins to march forward to college again.

"Urgh tell me about it. Yesterday Florrie took and hour in the bathroom. An hour! Who does that?" she began to rant about her twin who went to a different college. I'd only met her once and she was exactly like Becca. My phone buzzed in my pocket as she was speaking so I checked it only half listening to her now.

From Mummy

Did you take both your pills? You need to take anxiety and depression in this state. Love you Addy xxxx

I stare at the text for a minute replying with a yes and stuffing my phone back into my skirt pocket. I focused my attention back to Becca who was still speaking as I plaster a smile on my face.

The hours drag by as I complete pieces of work and practice exam pieces in music and analyze characters in English. I'm finally let out to go home at just past 2:30 and don't wait for Becca as she has another class today but I don't. I arrive home at 3 and it's unusually quiet considering there are meant to be 5 guys in the house.

"Yeah, we know that." I hear one of them then there is a pause before they speak again, "Well you can take it out of one of our pay checks or something?" he replies. Must be on the phone.

"Give it to me." that's Zayn's voice, he then begins to speak to whoever is on the other end of the line. I walk into the lounge and stand at the door quietly, holding my two folders and shoulder bag. Niall sees me and walks over, I turn away and head into the kitchen but he still follows.

"How was college?" he tries small talk.

"What- Why do you need money out of your pay check?" I say quieter then I meant to, it must've sounded even quieter to him as I was looking at my feet as I said it.

"Just media stuff. Pictures have been taken of Louis' girlfriend with another guy. We're trying to hide it from him but the tabloids are asking for a lot of money to keep quiet." he shrugs. Eleanor is cheating on him? What a lovely girl.

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