Harry and....Niall?

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We cleaned the kitchen...and stayed up talking until 4 in the morning. He's really nice and isn't anything like Louis. When we finally did go to sleep it was in the small back room on the sofa watching tv. We weren't cuddle up or anything not like how Louis and me had been.

"Leave her, we were up until like 4. She's probably tired." I can hear Liam saying, I decide to keep my eyes closed and listen to them.

"It's 1:30 she can't sleep all day." Zayn replies to him. I think they're standing outside the room because their voices are slightly muffled.

"I'd beg to differ." I think that was Harry, they all sound the same sometimes.

"Zayn? Have you woken Addy up yet?" my little sister Saffa. It's 2 days before Christmas, why are the five boys even here?

"Just leave her mate." I hear Liam tell him, he's clearly feeling sympathetic towards me, how cute. I listen to them argue for a while but refuse to get up or even open my eyes then I hear the door get thrown open.

"ADDYYYYYY! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Louis yells at me and jumps on my stomach, well he might as well of done. He sits on me and point blank refuses to move off me.

"Uhmmm, geroff." I mumble to him and pull the blanket, Liam got me, up further to try and cover my head.

"Nope I will sit here until-woah. Liam, why'd you always have to stick up for the girls?" Louis complains as Liam drags him off me so I can breath properly again. I smile a thanks to Liam as Louis pulls a face at the two of us.

"Was my bed comfy Louis?" I ask sarcastically.

"What?" Zayn catches the wrong part of the conversation.

"Yeah me and your little sister had amazing, best I've had actually-"


"I was going to say curry. Jesus, calm down." Louis rolls his eyes and I try very hard not to laugh at the death glare Zayn is giving him.

"Zayn! I'm going now." Niall comes in with his phone pressed to his ear, speaking to what I'd guess was his mum. He was saying something about his family to her.

"But you're coming after on the 10th right?" Zayn checks giving him a hug.

"Course, just goin' home for Christmas. Have a good birthday mate." Niall says to Louis then going on to give Liam a hug and claiming he'd already hugged Harry. They acted like it was goodbye forever, honestly.

"Erm, it was nice meeting you." Niall smiled and half waved awkwardly to me, he really isn't comfortable with me, is he?

"Yeah, you too. Have a good Christmas." I smile and wave just as awkwardly. While the boys see him off I go into the lounge to find Harry scrolling through his twitter.

"Not saying bye to Niall?" I ask sitting on the same sofa as him.

"Sleeping beauty awakes," he laughs, "nah. We said goodbye already." he informs me. He looks really upset about Niall going.

"You miss him already?" I laugh but Harry nods slightly focusing on his phone screen.

"Really? Oh, sorry I didn't know you were that close to him. Sorry." I apologies feeling horrible, I chew my thumb nail and cough slightly feeling like an idiot.

"It's fine. Really." he smiles looking to me briefly. It's like he's talking about a girlfriend or something when he talks about Niall?

"Um. Okay. I better go and get changed and stuff..." I feel extremely awkward and want to get away so I quickly leave to go to my room where I find Louis lying on my bed looking at his phone screen. I sigh and put my hand on my hip.

"Louis, can I please get changed in my own room?" I ask him. He looks at me with a smirk.

"Sure, go for it. I don't mind." he laughs not moving from where he is. I take the pillow from under his head making him fall back then hit him in the face with it. He retaliates by grabbing me and pulling me on top of him, then flipping us over so I'm underneath him. I thrash my body round trying to get him off me but he's stronger then me.

"Get-off." I breath heavily as we wrestle each other, it turns into a play fight quickly and I end up laughing and being able to defend myself. He hold bot my hands in one of his and pins them above my head whilst straddling me. Why have we ended up straddling each other twice now?

"Now, Addy, what have we learned here?" he asks me, his breathing slightly heavy.

"That you are more annoying then I could ever imagine." I laugh making my stomach hurt.

"No, you don't hit me in the face with pillows." he pouts.

"Why? You already look like you've been slapped in the face with a sledge hammer." I say catching my breath as he does the same.

"Was that your bad attempt at saying I'm ugly?" he smiles at me and lets go of my hands climbing off me letting me breath properly again. I sit up as he throws a pair of jeans and a t-shirt at me.

"Thanks." I say. He walks out leaving me to get changed. After 15 minutes I am changed and look kind of decent so make my way to the kitchen to get food and find only three of the boys left. Harry and Niall had gone home, I think Louis and Liam were leaving soon. Mind, they were all coming back for Zayn's birthday and going out to some night club.

"I have a question." I announce. The three look at me.

"Which is?" Zaun urges.

"Don't be mad or be offended or anything okay? It's just a general wondering, alright?" I make sure feeling less confident then when I announced the fact I had a question.

"Okay?" Zayn says then I look to Liam.

"Yeah." Liam shrugs and then I look at Louis.

"You always offend me so go for it." he assures me.

"Are um- Harry and Niall like yeah...Er what is it with Harry and Niall? Are they a thing?" I ask, the three look at each other and....

A/N So I really need opinions here, should they be a couple or not?

Should we go for a Narry relationship in the story? A little cute romance?

Should Addy be with any of the boys or should she be a good friend to them? Would Zayn get angry if she did have thing for one of them, especially if that boy already had a girlfriend? Comment away, I need your opinions?!

~Emily xx

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