Katy and Sneaking Out

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As soon as the lounge door closed I got up and looked around checking they had gone, I peered out the window to see Katy walking towards the front door. I flung my arms around motioning her to stop and walk round the side of the house. She saw me and laughed as I jumped around in the lounge. She nodded understanding what I was saying and disappeared round the side of the house. The lounge has two doors, the one Zayn and Niall went out of which leads in to the hallway at the front then through to the kitchen. The there was the door at the other end of the lounge which leads to the other end of the hallway then through to a smaller spare room. The room has a TV in and a sofa with a few other bits in, the back door is in there too.

I grabbed the door handle and made my way quietly into the small room. I opened the back door to greet Katy who was standing with her back leaning against the wall.

"Hey, hey!" she smiled at me.

"Shush! We have to wait here until someone brings my bags. Zayn got here early with his band." I informed her with a laugh, at this her eyes light up with excitement.

"Wait, so One Direction is in you house? Like right now?" I nodded as she began to jumped up and down flapping her arms soundlessly. We are normal teenage girls and therefore she will fangirl over them. Me and Katy have only known each other for 4 years, as weird as it is we met on twitter when we were 13. We spoke for a year then decided we would meet up, we don't go to the same college, we don't have any of the same friends and it was just by complete chance we live as close as we do to each other. She is my closest friend and as soon as we met up for real we clicked. Obviously our mums came with us because we were only 14 when we met but it all went well and here we are at 17.

"Oh my god!" she squeaked thinking of the 5 boys in my house as I leaned against the door frame watching her. You would think it would annoy me that she fangirls but I love it. I love the fact she acts as if I have no relation to Zayn and fangirls as normal, it makes me feel relaxed around her. That probably doesn't make sense? She makes me laugh though and doesn't treat me any different just because Zayn is my brother.

"Okay mum. I'm just going out the back." I heard him say. She won't like that, it usually means he's going for a smoke.

"I'll come!" Louis, I think, chimed in.

"No! No, it's fine I'll be back in a sec." I heard him deny Louis, before he entered the small room closing the door behind him.

"Don't tell mum." He smiled handing me my bags and my flute. I smiled a thanks at him as Katy caught his eye.

"Hi Katy." he smiled.

"Hi Zayn." she said trying to be causal about it. Zayn suppressed a laugh, he loved her and thought she was amazing. He winked at her to get a reaction before lighting a cigarette and placing it in his mouth.

"That's disgusting!" I gag. He doesn't normally smoke in front of me but he's not going to get another chance to tonight with everyone around.

"Shut up." he said shoving my head away jokingly.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him pulling my bags up and stepping out the back door fully. I hit his hand on the way out making him drop his cigarette.

"Thanks." he groaned at me as me and Katy laughed walking away from him.

"Bye!" we both called to him.

"See you later Addy! Bye babe." he called to me then to Katy, again Katy looked at me and her eyes had pretty much turned into hearts.

"Mate, who're you-" I heard Louis voice before the back door slammed shut.

"How have you not been caught yet?" Katy asked me amazed. I just shrugged as we both climbed into her car.

"Lucky? An over protective mum? An older brother who is great at lying?" I list off and buckle up my seat belt as we pull away from the house. She laughs and shakes her head at me.

"Have you met Perrie yet?" she asks changing the subject.

"Nah, they've set a date though so I have to meet her soon, all my sisters are bridesmaids too. It's so unfair!" I rant before realizing how immature I sound.

"Oh shut up." I shove her as she's laughing at me again.

"Addy, darling, you know they're only doing what's best for you." Wendy, Katy's mum, offered her opinion. She's been like my second mum since I met Katy, always having me when Zayn was around. I've spent a week and a half at her house before.

"I know, I know! It just sucks. He's my big brother." I sigh. I'd never admit it and neither would Zayn but our bond is so much stronger then with any of our other sisters because of what happened. Katy looked at me with sympathy before I felt my phone buzz at my feet. It would be in my pocket but my t-shirt dress doesn't have pockets.

"What's it say?"


"Tell meeeee!"

"Zayn, he says that I need to go back tomorrow so I can spend the day with him, wanna come?" I offered even though I'd rather just be with Zayn.

"Yes!" she jumped at the chance.

"K you can't, you have to go and see Ruby's play." her mum told her as we pulled into her drive, Ruby is her little sister. Katy looked at me and rolled her eyes, I smiled as we got out of the car. We went into the house and I told her I was just going to call home.

"Hello?" a voice came from the other end of the line.

"Erm, can I speak to Zayn please?" it was one of the boys.

"Who is this?" he asked, pretty sure it was Louis.

"Er, a friend." I told him.

"Look, I don't know how you got his house number but you can't just go round calling his house. It's rude, it's weird, it's stalkerish it's-"

"Louis?! Who is it you idiot?" I heard my brother take the phone.

"Call my mobile next time." he told me and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes at me.

"Sorry, I forgot. I miss yooooou!" I sing song-ed down the phone.

"Are you coming back tomorrow? The boys are heading out so we can have some sibling bonding time." he laughed at himself.

"Sure, can you tell Louis was it who answered the phone? To not be such an arse to your baby sister." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah....how are you?" he asked more seriously.

"Zayn, it was 5 years ago. I'm okay." I sighed but felt my voice shake slightly. I heard him cough knowing he had tears in his eyes, he always tried to cough his crying back.

"Okay, sorry. I have to go now. Niall's calling me." he told me. I went silent not knowing what else to say to him.

"See you tomorrow?" he urged.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I said hanging up with the memory of 5 years ago playing on my mind as I walked back into Katy's room.

A/N Any good? Please leave feedback in the comments or even dm me, I really do appreciate it guys!! What do you people's think happened 5 years ago? Do you want to know? Do you want the rest of One Direction to meet her?

Vote Comment and fan-follow? Whatever you call it, if you weren't here when it was being a fan you missed a good time ;D...I'm joking. Okay, thank you! ~Emily xx

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