Pizza and Quotes

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"Addy! We've called you like 5 times, are you coming to get food or not?" Zayn stands in my door, I tug my headphones out and he repeats himself. Mum had still not got back with my little sisters from shopping and my older sisters were all out at friends or still in America.....

"Yeah, sorry. Um Zayn? Is Niall okay" I ask feeling unsure. I swing my legs onto the floor and wrap my headphones around my iPod. He looks at me fro a second before replying.

"I think so? He's a little confused but yeah, why?" he says leaning on the door frame waiting for my next question.

"I don't know. I was talking to him and he seemed weird I guess." I tell him. He shrugs and we walk downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone was sorting out food and throwing it at each other occasionally. I hear Zayn groan and go to wrestle Louis and Liam from throwing more rice at each other. I laugh and look around to see what they ordered in. Pizza and some curry. I'll go for pizza.

"What kind of person chooses curry over pizza?" I laugh going to stand with Harry who was attempting to tear a piece of pizza off, they cut it really badly at the take out place.

"I know! They're idiots." he chuckles in reply as we look over our shoulders in sync to see Zayn now teaming up with Liam and throwing rice at Louis. I shake my head at them and try to help Harry with the pizza.

"Here." I grab a knife from the knife block and cut into the pizza.

"Thanks." he smiled cutely and puts some pizza on his plate and offering it to me.

"What're you guys doing?" I ask taking the plate as he puts more on another plate for himself.

"Just y'know- we were planning on watching a movie or something but Niall just figured out where the alcohol is kept so." he shrugs and laughs a littler as I roll my eyes, I feel that in an hours time they may or may not be doing shots or something stupid.

"You coming?" Harry asks taking his plate and waiting for me. I nod and follow him through to the lounge where Niall was scrolling through the NetFlix looking for something to watch. I sit on the sofa and put my plate on the arm rest and Harry sits next to me with Niall the other side. I can't believe this morning they had no idea who I am now I'm eating pizza with them. Harry's being normal but Niall still doesn't seem comfortable with the idea of Zayn having a secret sister.

"If you're looking for something good I think they added some Geordie Shore episodes." I tell Niall as Harry almost chokes on his pizza.

"Please tell me you're not into that!"

"Oh god, you're not one of those girls are you?!" I have abuse shot at me from Harry then from Niall, I put my hands up in surrender.

"Am I being judged now?" I ask.

"Yes!" they both reply in sync. Niall shakes his head at me and ignores my suggestion choosing a different show to watch.

"As if American Horror Story is any less cliche then Geordie Shore!" I argue as Niall clicks on the third episode of the second series. Harry laughs as Niall takes a bite out of his pizza, us three had chosen pizza while the others were arguing in the kitchen over the curry.

"Addy? You okay in there?" I hear Zayn shout through, he's clearly just remembered I do actually exist.

"Yeah, I'm with Harry and Niall!" I reply copying Niall and taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Is Niall really into this?" I lean over a whisper to Harry, a smile crossed his face at my comment as we both looked to him. He was engrossed watching the screen, chewing his thumb nail and he looked a little horrified at what was going. Me and Harry then look at each other and struggle to hide our laughs.

"What're you two smiling at?" Zayn walks in with a bowl full of curry and sits himself on the other sofa followed by Louis and Liam. Louis looks at me and raises his eyebrows looking between me and Harry suggestively.

"Niall." Harry replies.

"What?" Niall whips his head round hearing his name.

"Nothing." me and Harry say together. Niall looks annoyed and turns back to the television and a streak of guilt hits me, I feel like we may have got off on the wrong foot.

"Um, I'm going upstairs." I get up and walk out.

"Ad's! Addy!" Zayn follows me out, "Adeelah you need to eat!" he tells me worrying about my health. He's been like this since just after the 'incident'. Constantly worrying about me, it's kind of annoying but at least he cares.

"Zayn, I'm not hungry. Honest." I tell him dismissing the plate of food he was trying to give me.

"What is it? Is this all too much? I'm sorry. I didn't thi-"

"Zayn! It's okay. I'll be okay. I'm just not hungry right now." I tell him, his eyes are fully of sympathy and worry. I hate when he gets like this.

"I'll have it later."

"What's wrong?" he asks sincerely. I hesitate but I've always been told to tell him or mum if it's really getting to me so they can help.

"I think I upset Niall, I didn't mean too I swear. I just think me and Harry might've annoyed him and I didn't realize it would y'know really-" I begin to vent but I stop myself and shake my head, getting a sick-metal taste in my mouth. Zayn puts the plate down on the side and takes me into a a tight hug to comfort me. I let him hold me for a second and then push away.

"I'll be down later to eat, I promise. I will." I tell him.

"You won't have upset Niall, we mess around all the time. It's nothing new to him." he tells me but I shake my head and wonder upstairs. I sit on my bed on twitter and scroll through some stupid little quotes and feel better after 45 minuets of doing this. How sad is that? I hear a knock on my door and turn my head to see Louis standing there.

"What?" I groan.

"I'm missing teasing you. Why're you up here on your own?" he asks coming in and leaning against my desk.

"Just am. Why are you up here?" I ask him wondering exactly that.

"The truth or a sarky comment?"

"Truth please." I say hiding the smile trying to make it's way onto my face at his idiocy.

"I was worried that you were upset." he tells me and sits next to me on my bed. "That doesn't mean that I like you in any way at all though." he jokes shoving me lightly.

"Not that this means I like you in any way but thanks for caring." I answer letting the smile appear on my face.

"Good. What are you looking at?" he looks over my phone turning back into the stupid ass annoying person he is, I don't hide my screen though. It's nothing private or important.

"A simple hello could lead to a million things, cute. Quotes?" he reads the screen and looks at me expectantly.

"Yeah, stupid really." I shrug

"I think it's cute." he smiles and gets up leaving me staring down at the quote on the screen.

 A/N So who's liking this? Is it good or not, I don't knooow! I'm ill right (sore chesty cough and aching bones) now urgh so I don't know how quick updates will be but yeah, I hope you like this one! ~Emily xx

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