Late Night and Drunk Boys.

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"How come Addy gets to stay up with them? It's not fair mum!" Waliyha complains at the idea of missing out because she has to go to bed. I roll my eyes, me her and my mum are standing outside the lounge having this stupid argument.

"Because she is older and the boys are drinking, you're 15 I don't want you around that yet." my mum tells us her not so logic-logic.

"By the time Zayn was my age he was drinking and smoking!" she argues back. It's a Sunday night at 12:30 and she has school tomorrow where as I don't have college because of how my timetable is set, that's the real reason she needs to go to sleep but she isn't giving up that easy.

"You do have school tomorrow Waliyah and we won't be doing anything interesting, trust me. I'll probably be in bed in an hours time. Thye're five weird, smelly 20 year old guys, why would you want to be around that?" I attempt to convince her. She eventually gives in and storms upstairs slamming her door behind her making me laugh.

"Adeelah, don't drink too much?" my mum wants my assurance. She's weary of me being around the five of them especially after trying to hide me for so long.

"I was telling the truth mum, I probably will be in bed soon." I inform her. She nods and makes her way upstairs as I return to my seat in the lounge, in between Liam and Louis. Zayn is on the floor leaning against a sofa and Niall and Harry are sat together on the smaller sofa.

"Zayn, I swear to god if you light that in here I'll stuff it up your nostril." I warn him as he fiddles with the thin white and orange paper. He decides to throw it at me in response, I let it slide as he is slightly tipsy. The only one of the five that is still fully aware and not affected by the alcohol yet is Harry.

"He's a dick when he has alcohol." Harry notes.

"Tell me about it." I reply and smile, I pick up the cigarette thrown and me and hold it in my own hands how I've seen Zayn do so many times before. I've never smoked, it's never interested me before so it's strange to hold one.

"Do you-?"

"No, no! It's never really passed my mind to even try it." I shrug.

"I did once and had an asthma attack." he laughed. I watch him as he looks over to Niall who seems pretty spaced out. The four of them had been doing shots while me and my sisters and mum cleared up in the kitchen and had been drinking with the meal, mixing drinks is never a good idea.

"Did you not do shots?" I ask. Louis and Liam are now attempting to thumb wrestle over me so I decide to switch places with Louis and am now slightly closer to Harry so we can speak.

"I had one but I wasn't feeling it tonight. Zayn looks like he's had a good time though." he nods towards my brother who is laughing at the game Louis and Liam are playing. Louis keeps shushing him which only causes more noises to erupt from all three of them.

"I'm just glad none of them are angry drunks or something. Why no shots then?" I ask him, worrying that I might be prying to far. Niall has clearly drunk the most as he is falling asleep his head resting on Harry's shoulder, Harry plays with the blonds hair not even releasing he is doing it.

"I'm not sure, just feeling a bit confused tonight so adding drink t that didn't feel right. Usually does but not now." he tries to make light of it.

"You and Niall." I whisper not really meaning to and as Harry's head snaps up I suddenly find the stupid drucken game between the three boys extremly interesting. I can feel Harry watching me.

"Is it- is it really that obvious?" he stutters quietly. I shyly look at him hoping he's not anrgy with me but he just looks curious and a little doubtful.

"Um, no. But when he left last time y'know- you er- you seemed more upset them just a friend leaving and er the way you are with him it's" I pause looking at the pair. They look mis-matched yet fit perfectly together like some strange jig-saw. "It's nice." I finish." Harry looks at Niall who is now asleep on his shoulder and smiles fondly at him. I can't blame Niall for being tired though, he's had a long day of travelling.

"Yeah, it is." Harry smiles at the blond boy who's sitting with his mouth slightly open and lightly snoring now.


"Jesus Christ Louis!" I yell with my hand on my heart checking it was still in my chest.He's a freaking idiot. I look at him. He's sitting on the floor now looking up at me with big eyes, sparkling in the light coming off the lamp.

"I like you! You're funny." he poked my nose. Defiantly an idiot, a very drunk idiot.  Zayn and Liam now move so Liam is on the floor next to Louis and Zayn is on the couch next to me.

"You should be in bed." Zayn tells me, his word stumbling over each other.

"So  should you, you drunk knob." I sigh and lean back into the couch getting ready to be harassed by all three of them. This should be fun.

"You're only little though." Liam tells me examining me as if he'd never seen me before. I across to Harry who's laughing at me. He's now adjusted Niall so he is lying on Harry's chest and Harry has his arm around him, cuddling him close as if he's scared someone will take him away.

"Help me." I beg but he shakes his head at me with a smirk on his face. Louis climbs onto the sofa pushing Zayn over so he can be next to me.

"Louis, that's not nice. She's mine,mine, mine. My little sister." Zayn claims me, hitting Louis lightly as Louis whimpers in response and huddles up to me. I attempt to shake him of but he puts his arms tightly round my waist and his head on my stomach, to top it off he looks up at me innocently.

"Can I sleep here? I'll feel sad if you say no." he tells me simply so I say yes he can, they're all drunk anyway. If I get up early enough none of them will remember.

"I sleep with Zaynieeee then." Liam tugs Zayn onto him and Zayn hits him across the chest harshly. This makes Liam scream out then laugh really hard, it's a good thing he can take Zayn's hits that looked like it hurt.

"Zayn! Stop it." I tell him off, in the wrong company he gets violent when he's drunk and that scares me. He turns round and sticks his tongue out at me before slumping on the one seater getting tired. I look down to see Louis asleep on me.

I just hope Liam and Zayn go to sleep soon. But they don't. They stay awake until 4 in the freaking morning, keeping me and Harry up.

A/N This was a bad chapter, I'm sorry. It took ages to update too, my excuse is I just spent the weekend in London (Madame Tussaud's, basically got a picture with wax One Direction!) so yeah... I hope you like it though? How are we feeling about Narry? Are we getting any Addy/Harry feels or are we still for Laddy (Louis) or Liddy (Liam)?

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