Covent Gardens and Three Confused Boys

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I wake up and feel his breaths against my neck and realize how we're lying. I feel hot so I push the covers off and leave Louis to sleep. I pick up my phone to find Zayn had text along with my mum to check up on me.

From- Mummy

Zayn told me he left with Louis? Are you okay? I'll be back at 12.

I glance over at the clock 10:32. That's okay, I have time to kick Louis out and have a shower. I then click onto the message from Zayn.

From- Zain

Sorry about last night. You okay? Be back at 11:30 :) x

I laugh and shake my head at him, I should really change his name to the way he spells it now. I hear Louis sit up and turn to face him. I suddenly feel really vulnerable standing there in my oversized pyjama shirt and shorts that you can't actually see because of the shirt. I wasn't thinking when I put them on last night.

"What?" he mumbles in a croaky morning voice.

"Nothing, my mum's going to be back 12. So erm, I'm going to have a shower." I tell him as he watched me carefully making me uncomfortable.

"Okay." he nods rubbing his eye and giving me a look.

"Stop it." I say pulling at my sleeves. He is leaning on his elbow only half sitting up with a half smile playing on his lips.

"What?" he laughs. I groan and walk out going upstairs to shower. I really don't like him. By the time I get out and am changed, I go into the kitchen to find Louis on his mobile talking to someone. I watch him, he hasn't noticed I'm in the kitchen yet. He stuffs his hand in his jeans and laughs at what the person on the end of the line says.

"Okay bye babe. Love you too." he hangs up and look at me. I sub-consciously chew my thumb nail, he turns away to get a glass of water.

"Hey." Zayn says breathlessly closing the front door and entering the kitchen.

"You stayed? Where'd you sleep?" he asks seeing Louis drinking his water.

"Sofa, she leant me some of your joggers and stuff." he explained to Zayn missing out the part that I slept on the sofa with him.

"Okay, so I was thinking about asking mum if you could meet the rest of the boys?" Zayn offered up. After meeting Louis I don't know if I want to, if they're all horrible like him then no.

"I don't know." I say looking at Louis.

"Why? I thought you were desperate to?" he asks confused.

"I don't No." I say.

"You don't like me babe? I'm hurt!" Louis says sarcastically. Zayn laughs at us. Louis raises his hand in defeat and tells us he's going. Not that I'm sad to see him go at all.

"Mum's going to be back any time." I tell Zayn, as I tell him they arrive back as if on cue.

"Addy, sweetie. Zayn, how could you let Louis find her!" Mum greets me and rounds in on Zayn. I take that as my time to leave and go and find Safaa which is exactly what I do.


1 week later and I haven't seen or heard any of the boys since Louis left. I get to go back to pretending I don't exist. I'm out shopping with Katy in Covent Gardens as it's 3 days before Christmas, I know Zayn is spending Christmas at Perries, he's spent most of his time off there I've only seen him twice.

"What about this for Ruby?" Katy says holding up a woody toy, we're in the Disney store right now.

"I thought she liked bullseye?" I ask holding up the hose.

"What if I get both?" she asks, checking the price of both of them. I nod in agreement, she goes to pay for them while I wait outside.

"Hey stranger." I have a heart attack as I whip my head round to see him standing there. He's on his own.

"Go away." I roll my eyes.

"Aw c'mon I miss you." he pouts obnoxiously at me. Katy appears next to me with her mouth hanging open.

"Hi babe." Louis acknowledges her.

"Don't encourage him." I whine. She subsides her smile to a smirk at most.

"She can't help it, I just make people smile. It's what I do." he shrugs 'humbely'.

"Well make me smile and leave." I spit out.

"Mate c'mon, we're waiting." Liam comes and joins Louis, obviously checking me and Katy out.

"Hi, are you fans?" he ask smiling and looking to Louis who laughs.


"God no." I speak over Katy. I grab her arm and pull her away, then I see Zayn chatting away to Niall. He told me that he was going to meet them in hyde park. For goodness sake. I text him telling him to meet me next to the cookie shop which he gets to pretty quickly.

"What are you doing here?!" I shout at him.

"Me? I thought you were at Katy's all day?" He whisper shouts at me pulling us two into a smaller ally where no paps could get pictures.

"I'm with her all day not at hers you idiot." reiterate for him hitting him on the side of the head.

"Um, Zayn? Are you alright?" we turn to find his four friends standing watching us. I see Louis who is standing smirking at me.

"You couldn't have kept them away?" I growl at him. I can actually feel Katy dying next to me.

"You told me you weren't my responsibility the other night." he shrugged at me. The other three stood watching extremely confused.

"Erm..? Can I j-" I hear one of the thee confused boys.

"I'm leaving now, see you back at the house!" I say to Zayn not wanting to be there and not caring what Harry, Niall and Zayn think.

"You will." Louis remarks.

"I wasn't talking to you." I say pushing past his shoulder, I hear him laugh at me as I pull Katy after me leaving the five boys behind.

"Can someone explain?" I hear Liam say as we turn the corner to go and get some cookies, I like cookies.

A/N I'm sorry this is bad. The others needed to find out about her though!! Do you guys like it? I feel like it's a weird chapter? I'm not sure??

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