Concerts and Drinks

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I wake up and crinkle my eyes up when the light hit it, I risk opening them again when I think I might have adjusted to the light and run my hands over my face and through my hair. My phone is buzzing, I reach into my bag that had been placed on the night stand next to my bed. I was on my bed but it was made up so I wasn't in it.

"Hello?" I ask as I hadn't looked at the caller I.D.

"Oh thank god Addy. How are you?" Zayn's voice asks me.

"What? I'm fine?" I croak out and my throat hurts from how dry it is and as if he read my mind he told me there was some water he had left on the side.

"Thanks, I'll erm...I'll be at the stadium in a couple hours." I tell him after taking a gulp of the water.

"Are you sure? You can but I don't know if you should." he says sounding worried.

"I'm sure. I just don't understand, I took my pills it shouldn't have been that bad y'know?" I reply.

"That bad? I don't know. I'll try and get hold of some stronger stuff." he informs me and I know full well what he means. He could get his hands on whatever drugs he wanted within a few phone calls.

"No! No, really. I'll see you in a bit." I disagree, not wanting to be on anything illegal. I hang up and force myself up and wince as my arms feel sharp pains where my biceps are, not that I have any. Again I push myself up expecting the pain this time and coping with it.

It was just reaching 7:30 as I walked in backstage to the giant stadium. The mass of girls outside was huge and the chatter and screeching was above and beyond. I knew Zayn was famous but I never really thought about how famous he was. He's just Zayn.

"Hey babe. How are you? That was fucking scary in the lift." Liam says hugging me tightly, clearly terrified I was hurt by it or upset. I've seen people have attacks before and it looks almost as bad as it feels.

"I'm fine. Thank you for...being there?" I smile a little.

"Addy!" Zayn ran up to me and hugged.

"You had me so worried! Jesus we need to get you to the doctors to up your pills, we won't tell mum though because she'll make you go home. Are you okay now? I know you said on the phone but now? Have you taken more pills?" he had a grip on both my arms rambling questions at me.

"Yes we need my pills stronger, no we aren't telling mum. I'm okay just a bit tired and no I haven't. I'm not allowed to take more than the two that I took this morning for depression and anxiety otherwise it'd put me in hospital with a stomach pump or something." I attempt to answer all his questions.

"Hi, you okay? I think Liam's traumatized!" Niall hugged me with a laugh, trying to lighten the situation from Zayn's worry.

"Yeah poor Liam!" I say sarcastically. Someone shouts the boys for stage call as they're due on in 10 minutes. Niall, Liam and Zayn leave to get their in-ears fitted.

"Addy?" I spin round hearing my name.

"Hi, long time no see." I say numbly.

"I heard you collapsed this morning." he tells me, fiddling with his in-ear he had probably had fitted while the others were talking to me. I rolled my eyes at him, no shit sherlock.

"Yeah, I'm alright now though. Just got to get something stronger for it." I tell him before he asks me.

"Like vodka?" he jokes, "Want to go out for a drink later then?" he offers.

"I meant pills." I say monotone.

"I know." he shrugs.

"Louis, I'm bored of whatever this is between us. I'm going." I turn and leave him standing there. I walk round to the side of the stage where I'll be able to watch the performance but the audience won't be able to see me.

The music fades and a heartbeat begins to play through the bass of the stereo, getting quicker as the lights flash and the girls watch videos of the boys flash on screen until it goes pitch black and the begging notes of Midnight Memories play and the 5 appear on stage. I watch them trip over each other and laugh at one another until the show comes to a close.

"Hey! Addy...please listen!" Louis stumbles out of the changing room half out of breath as I'm navigating the halls trying to find Zayn.

"Louis, I don't wan-" he grabs my wrist not giving me a choice.

"I'm sorry. I really like you. I'm really sorry." I flick my eyes around trying not to look straight at him, he's out of breath from the show and breathing heavily, with sweat on his forehead. He steps closer his hand dropping from my wrist to my hand.

"So, do you want to go for a drink?" he puts forward his earlier offer again.

"Why do I get the feeling you won't leave me alone until I say yes?" I mumble with a laugh. I look up at him, he's got a sideways smile and shrugs his shoulder at me.

"Is that a yes?" he questions. I nod my head and he finally lets go of my hand.

"I'll meet you outside the tour bus we have in 10?" he smiles and bounces off to the changing room. Am I about to go on a date with Louis?

I wonder in the general direction of where I think the bus is with a sick feeling rising in my stomach. What if I'm going the wrong way? What if I get lost? Will Louis think I stood him up? He's going to hate me, oh my god.

"Addy! This way." I hear Louis before feeling him link his arm around my waist. My heart skips a beat then I look at him and smile a little.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Wherever we end up." he smirks and then I know this could be one of the best nights or biggest mistakes....ever.

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