Shouting and Drugs

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I wake up to my phone buzzing on the arm rest of the sofa, I look at the caller I.D. to find it's my mum phoning me. I quickly glance at the time to find it's 10:6 then answer my phone quietly. I have to stay quiet because all the boys are still asleep and 100% hung over, Louis is still lying on my stomach snoring softly.


"Adeelah. I just phoned to check you were okay? All the girls are at school. How're they boys?" she asks as I try to cover the speaker and dull her voice slightly to keep the boys asleep.

"We're all good, they're all still asleep, can I maybe call you back later? It's that I just woke up." I ask her as nicely as I could but I'm still half asleep. My mum lets me go and I put my mobile down on the sofa and let my head fall back on to the sofa.

"You okay babe?" I hear Louis tired voice and jump slightly. He hasn't moved his head but he is looking up at me with his eyes squinting a little from the light. His hair is covering his eye so I brush it aside for him and giggle a little.

"I'm good. How's the hang over?" I laugh as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Did I do anything stupid?" he asks me bluntly.

"Yes. Thumb wrestled, claimed you and Zayn were dating and you should get married I think? I didn't catch much of that one. I was talking to Harry. Um, then you climbed on top of me poked my nose and then pretty much told me you were sleeping like this otherwise you'd be very sad." I recite briefly what he'd done.

"Dear god. S'ppose it could've been worse." he grumbles and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. I stroke his hair, it looked really fluffy.

"I like your hair." I tell him, playing with it lightly. He must've liked it because he smiled a little then closed his eyes back over.

"Lou, I have to get up." I sigh but he just grabs a bit at my t-shirt to show me he didn't want me to move at all.

"Why?" he moaned softly. I look around and see all the other boys still completely blacked out and with no signs of them waking up any time soon.

"I- okay so I don't but I should. Plus if Zayn wakes up and sees you lying over me he won't like it." I laugh a little but it's true. Louis moves his arms and wraps them round my waist grabbing a cover that had been set over the back of the sofa dragging it over both of us which quickly warms us up, I didn't realize how cold I'd become.

"I don't care. You're nice." he says cuddling me tighter. I can't help but like it a little. I look to see Liam lying up the other end of the sofa we are on, fast asleep while Zayn is on the one seat-er spread out comfortably and finally Niall and Harry are tangled up together on the smaller sofa opposite Zayn.

"Thanks. I'm not comfy thought Louis, I have back ache." I complain but kind of don't want to make him get off me, I like the contact. He moves away a little and then pulls me down so I am face to face with him, he intertwines our legs like the first night we met and my head is on his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Comfy now?" he mumbles. I nod my head and settle down feeling as if I could fall back to sleep again in his arms. And I do, I fall asleep and so does Louis because the next time we both wake up we are being shouted at.

"Please god tell me nothing happen?!" Zayn shouts pulling me off Louis as I trip up and fall over with Zayn catching me and I try to shake myself awake mentally. I feel like a little kid all of a sudden, a kid who's in a lot of trouble.

"Relax." Louis rolls his eyes and pushes himself up, he's not even trying to defend me? Zayn is kind of hurting me with the strong grip he had on one of my arms.

"Zayn, let go. You're hurting me." I mumble quietly, he relaxes his grip but doesn't completely let go. The other boys look struck and don't understand why Zayn is so over protective of me.

"Nothing happened man, we slept. That's it. I have a girlfriend." Louis emphasizes. Zayn just scoffs at him but releases me and I walk out of the room feeling like a complete idiot and really embarrassed. I go in to the kitchen and grab some orange juice to try and distract me. My throat feels dry and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to breath out as tears blur my vision. I drop the glass I'm holding as I'm shaking so hard, my muscles become weak and I'm finding it hard to stand up. An overwhelming weight is pressing down on my chest and I can't get rid of it.

"Addy!" Zayn yelps and I feel him catch me as I double over falling to the ground. He is trying to calm me as the attack carries on but I can barely focus on anything now and I'm shaking hard and I just want it all to be over.

"Make it stop." I gasp breathing heavily as I try hard to ignore the pounding in my head. I hate my anxiety, panic attacks. I hate it. Zayn is carrying me up to my room because the next thing I know I am curled up in my bed and it's 3 hours later.

"Zayn." I try to shout but it comes out in a croak because my throat is so dry. He hears me though, he must've been listening out and in no time at all he is by my side.

"Ad's, how are you?" he asks worried as he passes me the drugs the doctors had prescribed for my condition, they were meant to help calm me. I can't remember the name they gave it so I just say panic/anxiety attack. Something to do with that anyway.

"Do you need me to take you to hospital to talk to Dr.Talkmen?" he offers, that's the doctor I have had since I've had the start of this condition at 11. I shake my head before swallowing the drug.

"I'm fine. I am now. I just-sorry. I'm so stupid." I say choking up, why am I like this?

"Hey, hey, don't cry. You're fine. It's fine. It's my fault I shouldn't have shouted." he takes the blame and I can tell he feels terrible but I don't want him to feel like that, if I wasn't so pathetic this wouldn't be a problem. He falls quiet as I manage to push back tears and I give him a forced smile. Niall then appears at the door with worry stricken across his face.

"Um-are you er- I mean are you feeling better?" he stumbles feeling nervous as he comes and sits on the bed with Zayn. That makes me smile, Niall hasn't showed much feeling towards me even dislike. Just like he hasn't really acknowledge my existence yet.

"I'm better thank you, it's just a stupid thing I have." I attempt to shrug it off and he nods with a little smile. Zayn gives me a nod and a smile before leaving which I return to let him know I'm fine.

"He scare you?" Niall almost whispers in case Zayn can hear but not moving any closer to me, there is a big gap between us.

"Um. I don't know. I don't like it when I upset him and I feel like I've been so horrible and that scares me. No one should be allowed to be upset," I stop and laugh at myself, "I sound like a little kid." I shake my head and shut myself up.

"No, I agree. I hate it when people are sad." he pauses, "That's why I came to make sure you were okay, I was worried." he admits and shrugs a little and he looks incredibly cute.

"Thanks." I shy away a little and I can feel my cheeks tint red which is stupid because Harry likes him, Niall likes boys right? But they all said he was confused about it....

A/N This just got interesting hehehe. Do you get why she wasn't allowed in the media now? I hope you do, I kind of made it clear in this chapter. Don't worry there is still more to it then just that but you shall find that out later!

Okay so um MERRY CHRISTMAS (close enough)  MY BABES...I just said babes. Ew. I vote we go back to clownfish, who agrees?  Anywaaaaay, Niall and Addy? What about Narry? What about Laddy? Was Zayn a dick to her for making her go in to that state when he knows about this 'thing' she has?

Vote? Comment? Fan/Follow? Specially follow I want some new friends!! :D ~Emily xx

P.S Anyone a fan of McBusted? We can also be friends! ;D

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