Presents and Texting

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I waked up to Safaa jumping on me and Waliyha trying to pull me out of bed. I'm almost 18 and I'm being abuse by a 13 year old and a 15 year old, what has my life come to?

"Up! Mum says up! Zayn is 22 tooday!!" Safaa screams to me as Waliyha grabs one hand and Saffa the other as they pull me up and out of bed and down to the lounge. Since Zayn has been about 15 we've always had him on the morning of his birthday he's go out for the afternoon for the past few years with Perrie and then we get him back for a family meal out night. The day after he'd go out with his mates and basically get pissed.

"Hey Zaynie, happy birthday bro." I say sleepily and give him a hug. He hugs back before mum pulls him away and hugs him herself.

"My baby boy!" she kisses him on both cheeks as he laughs. We don't buy him presents as such, since he has so much already we make him things or buy him things that are more sentimental then worth a lot of money and then mum pays for the meal or makes it, homemade.

"Doniya is still in America but she sends her love and kisses." mum tells Zayn as he nods.

"Can I give my present first?" Waliyha volunteers, mum nods indicating she can so he is handed her present. It's a very intricate drawing of his sleeve tattoo on a canvas drawn with black marker pen so looks amazing, she has an incredible talent for art.

"Wow, this is amazing. Thanks!" he is genuinely pleased and gives her a hug, it is an amazing piece of work. I'm jealous of her talent but she loves to draw. Safaa goes next handing him a smaller box, he opens it to find a new phone case for his iPhone and a small statue that is a sign pf good luck, or so that's what she said. He talked about it for a while and changed the case on his phoned.

"Adeelah have you got your present for him?" my mum asks me. I run up to my room and grab the small box and envelope and come back down to them. I hand him the box first. He looks at me then looks down to the box and takes the lid off. I can see his confusion.

"It's a wish band. You put it on and make a wish, when it wears out and the band breaks your wish comes true." it was a stupid present but something about it made me get it for him. All it was, was a thin black string with a small silver heart on. Not girly, it suited him

"That's so cool, do I tell anyone the wish?" he asks slipping the band on and pausing to make the wish.

"No, other wise it might not work." I warn him with a smiling. He says an okay and pulls it on completely and goes to open the envelope I passed him. I stop him and ask him not to open it yet.

"Wait to read that, alright? It's um quite...dorky?" I laugh.

"Okay?" he says and folds it in half putting it in his back pocket.The letter has my thank you's in it for being my support the past couple years after what happened and I may or may not have written him a sort of poem, it's not all gooey and gross though most of it takes the mickey out of him.

 His band mates were meant to be coming on the 10th but it changed because of Niall's flights being delayed so they're coming tonight and having the meal with us that mum is making.

"Okay, it's 1 o'clock now so everybody be ready for the meal by 6, okay? Zayn, Perrie is expecting you to met her at Hyde Park at half past 2." she informs everyone. Zayn runs off to get ready to meet her and I'm pretty sure that is the last I will see of him until tonight. I'm distracted from the conversation my sisters are having by my phone buzzing.

From- Louis

See youuu tonight! I missed you ;P x

I smile and shake  my head, we had both been texting pretty incessantly since he left which is weird, even on his birthday I called him to say happy birthday and see if he was having a good time....we ended up talking for 2 and a half hours. That was an accident.

To- Louis

Whatever. Mum is cooking so much. Can you handle spice? x

I press send and lock the screen holding the phone at my side. The day passes quite quickly with having to help prepare the meal and set the table which is actually the island in the kitchen. It takes forever to cook as we have the 4 boys coming too. After it is all done I spend 45 minutes on the phone arguing with Katy about Louis and talking about her new found boyfriend who she met one week ago.

"Adeelah, you have half an hour to get ready!" my mum informs me of the time as I'm sitting in my room reading a book.

"What? Crap." I need to shower and that alone takes up half the time. I jump up and am in and out of the shower in what I think is record time, I pull on some light blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt saying 'Nothing Lasts Forever so Make Every Moment Special' in black swirly writing, I tucked it into my jeans slightly and only had about 3 minutes until 6. I put my mobile in my pocket and look in my mirror.

"Hey, happy birthday stupid." I hear Louis voice followed by Niall's. I think he'd picked him up from the airport earlier on. My hair is soaking wet but I think I'm just going to have to deal with it so put it in a scruffy slide plait and then make my way to the stairs.

"Adeelah! Hurry up." I hear my mum call me.

"Yeah mum." I respond jogging dow the stairs and walk into the kitchen. Niall is talking to my two little sisters and Louis and Zayn are in conversation as my mum is tending to the curry. I walk over to mum and see Louis glance uo at me but then carry on talking to Zayn.

"Can I taste?" I ask, fiddling with my wet hair trying to keep it slightly tame, fail.

"No, wait."

"Please muuuum!" I beg. She tut's at me but passes me a spoon to take some of the sauce, I dip it in and taste the sweet spicey yellow creamy sauce. It is amazing as always.

"That is so good mum." I compliment her then go and drop the spoon in the sink. The door goes again and my mum and sisters rush to answer it and I'm left with Louis, Zayn and Niall.

"Addy c'mere." Zayn motions me over to him and the other two, I'm confused though. Why does Zayn want to speak to me?

"Why are my little sister and best mate texting behind my back?" he asks, it's jokingly I can tell but there is also a sense of a 'I am your older brother and will rip his balls off if he tries anything.'

"Becuase obviously Zayn, Louis who is in a relationship and me who finds him annoying as hell are actually going behind everyones backs and secretly dating." I explain sarcastically making Louis chole back a laugh. Louis puts his arm round my waist for conformation as Zayn looks a little pissed off.

"Louis mate, I though you had a girlfriend" Liam laughs walking over seeing Louis holding me. I shake Louis off when he doesn't remove his arm as I feel alittle uncomfortable with the contact. Harry joins us soon after and by 6:30 my mum has us all sat down for dinner.

A/N Are we feeling Laddy or not? I have decided that shall be there ship name! Should they be a thing or not, is it too werid? And how are we all feeling about the Narry thing? Not a lot going on in this chapter but you never know...the next chapter might have a lot in it ;) - Emily xx

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