Introductions and Prying

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"Hey, hey gurl!" Louis jumped in front of the t.v. I sighed and kick his hip so he would move out of the way, Katy had gone home after we'd had a drink and a cookie so I caught the bus home too. Apparently Louis had decided to come back with Zayn.

"Why are you here?" I groaned as he stood back in front of the screen unfazed by my constant kicks in the stomach, it's not like I was doing it to hurt him, just to annoy him.

"Zayn invited us all back here, something about needing to meet you?" Louis shrugged typing on his phone, wait that's my phone!

"Louis! Where did you get that? Give it back!" I grabbed at it as he whipped it further away from me.

"Kitchen side, you shouldn't leave it lying around. Oooh who's Freddie? Katy likes me anyway." he said turning away going though more of my stuff, I grabbed him round the waist and tackled him to the floor. I then sat on his stomach and made another grab for my phone but he twisted away from my hands.

"It's not funny!" I groan in frustration.

"Then why am I laughing?" he chokes out a laugh as I put my full weight on him trying to maybe kill him or something?


"Addy!" he replied sarcastically. I reach for my phone again but again I'm too slowly.

"Katy says hi by the way. You're not even heavy, is that your full weight?" he asks wriggling slightly, I have my legs either side of his stomach and my arms crossed looking very annoyed.

"Shut up and give it back!" I reply frustrated with him.

"Get off me and I will!" he smirks typing out a message, to Katy I'd guess.

"Urgh!" I hit him hard on the chest.

"Owwww." he complains.

"ZAYN!" we both yell at the same time. He came running in with the other three boys behind him, I didn't realize they were actually here now.

"What? What the hell are you two doing?" he asked looking from Louis back to me as Harry Niall and Liam stood laughing quietly.

"He won't give my phone back!" I pouted.

"I didn't necessarily take it from her so I can't give it back." he remarked. We then both began arguing over each other to tell Zayn what had happened.

"Shut up!" Zayn shouts over both of us. He gives us a 'look' that I thought was only possible for mum's to give. I stand up off Louis and he gives me my phone back.

"Thank you." I snap as he winks at me. Why wink at me? Idiot.

"And that, is my little sister." Zayn turns to the three boys who don't know me.

"Shut up." I mumble pushing past them all. Zayn grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Just where do you think you're going?" he questioned dragging me into the room as his band mates all sat on the sofas except for Louis who was on the floor leaning back on his hands that were placed behind him with his legs straight out in front of him.

"Well, I was going to my room." I say to him as we stood in front of Harry, Liam and Niall.

"Introduce yourself." he tells me nodding towards them.

"Are you serious? How old are we?" I laugh sourly. He raises his eyebrows at me, so I sigh heavily and turn to the boys on the sofa. I look to Harry who is watching me, sitting hands clasped, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and lips slightly parted. Niall was next to him, more laid back and relaxed into the sofa but still looking at me expectantly. Then Liam who sat more purposefully then the other two and looking at me closely his eyes roaming over my body then over my face, taking me in. 

"I'm Addy, 17 and...yeah. I'm a secret so shh." I tell them as Niall laughs and Liam and Harry let a smile slip onto their faces.

"She's also really annoying." Louis chimes in.

"And cute according to you." I reply sharply putting one hand on my hip turning to the idiot on the floor. I can hear the boys trying to hide laughs and feel Zayn's glare as I stare Louis down.

"Shut up." he huffs trying to shake off my comment.

"So-er, how come we've not met before?" Harry asks grabbing my attention back form Louis.

"I'd rather not go in to it, maybe another time." I shrug swallowing hard as Zayn tenses next to me, I look at him to reassure him I'm okay.

"Oh, ohkay." Harry replies uncomfortably noticing our reaction to him.

"I'm leaving now." I tell Zayn and leave going through my phone checking Louis hadn't done anything stupid. I click onto my contacts and smile but quickly push it off my face and turn around as I reach the door and try to look annoyed at Louis.

"Okay what's he done now?" Zayn sighs seeing my face.

"Why've you put your number in my phone?" I question him. He laughs at me.

"Just in case." he winks again at me and I leave crossing my arms and wondering into the kitchen to get something to eat. I'm in the kitchen on my own for about 0.3 seconds before one of the 'famous five' join me.


"Er, hi." I spin round to see who it is. His hands are in his pockets and he has a half smile on his face as he looks a little uncomfortable.

"Hi." he says again.

"Wow, da ja vue. Are you okay?" I laugh and ask him as I route through some cupboards to find anything I could make for dinner.

"Yeah, I was just-Zayn told me to ask you if you wanted a take out for dinner with us or if you...yeah." he replied awkwardly. I couldn't help but smile at how uncomfortable he was.

"Um sure, I'll have whatever you guys have," I answer giving up on ever finding anything nice, "It's Niall right?" I question him as I look him up and down. He nods at me.

"Are you like Louis?"

"No, I wish." he laughs slightly.

"What'd you mean?" I say putting my hand on my hip, why would anyone want to be like Louis? He's obnoxious and annoying.

"He's funny and confident, got it all figured out." he shrugs and looks away from me embarrassed he's admitted it to me.

"And you don't?" I ask, worrying I may have pushed into a personal thing.

"No, not really." he says quietly. "I should go tell Zayn that you want dinner with us." he uses it as an excuse to get away from my questions.

"Yeah, er, yeah. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry." I say shrugging one shoulder. He forces a smile and leaves. Ooops.

A/N Here's another chapteeeer!! What do you think? So she met the guys and had little interaction with Niall and he doesn't seem to keen on her as well as Louis!! :O

Vote? Comment? Fan? or y'know love meeee D: ~Emily xx

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