The Beach and Hangovers

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My head is spinning as my alarm is blaring out reminding me that the day ahead is about to begin. As it would turn out, under-age drinking in bars is completely legal if you know Louis Tomlinson. I grab my phone in hope I can piece together last night.

From - Zain.

Care to inform me where you are??



Please pick up.

Last text. I'm guessing from the rest of the calls and messages you won't reply. I hope you're safe.

Along with 15 missed calls from him, this is not good. At all. I lock my phone and roll out of my bed. Thankfully unaccompanied by ...anyone else. I stumble blindly in to the shower to erase the smells of last night before swallowing pain killers to numb the inevitable headache I am dealing with.

Note to self: Tequila. Bad.

"Addy? Addy! Can you let me in?" Zayns voice from the other side of the door rings through. Pulling on some denim shorts and t-shirt I managed to throw the door open before Zayn bangs it down. 

"Louis filled me in on last nights events." he doesn't look happy, not angry, but not happy by any stretch of the imagination. He sits on the end of the  unmade double bed placed in the middle of the room, looking at me expectantly.

Could he fill me in on the events too?  The voice in my head says, what comes out is a grimace. I place myself next to Zayn, leaving the door in to the hallway open. Any new air in this room is welcome as the smell of alcohol fades. Zayn stays still, stiff. Refusing to look at me, I'm forced to speak.

"We just went for one drink, that turned in to 2 or 3 or 4... There's was nothing malicious behind it. I'm sorry we didn't invite you." Even as I'm speaking I can hear how it sounds.

"Louis was respectful? He says he looked after you... like I would. He claims" there is a bitter undertone to his vice.

"Very much." I guess. At least I know that's the answer he's looking for. He glances over me and I can tell he isn't convinced but leaves without another word.

Today I stay out of the way, no drinking, no Louis, no anything that could annoy Zayn. I need to stay in his good books if I want to stay in Australia with him.

I snatch up my tote bag and step in to the corridor with a plan to go to the beach.

"That's selfish and stupid, even by your standards!" anger drips from the irish accent.

"Nothing happened!" his voice makes me stop.

"She's his sister, his little sister!" I hear Liam agree with Niall's disgust from the other side of the door to Louis' room.

"Since when were you against this Payno?" Louis retorts. I shouldn't listen in but if they didn't want me to hear they shouldn't be so loud.

"Underage drinking with a sister? A while! You want to date Addy and upset Zayn, go for it! Be my guest - but don't put her in any risky situations." Liam sinks his voice slightly, probably aware of how loud they're being.

"I don't want to date her!" That hurt. I don't want to hear any more of the conversation. I want to see the beach, nothing and no one else.

To - Zain.

Best behavior from now on. Beach day today, see you after the show x

I lock my phone and put it away as I step on to the sand. It's busy and I can just fall in to the crowds, disappear. As I find a space to lay my towel Louis words bounce around my brain, I screw my eyes up and shake my head to make them disappear. Yes, because my brain works like an etch-a-sketch. Well done Addy.

Now that my etch-a-sketch brain is a blank canvas again images of the previous night dance around my head while the sun beats down on my skin. Louis' hand on my neck, on my cheek, brushing my hair back behind my ear. His laugh, his smile, the dim lights in the bar outlining his silhouette.  I can feel my cheeks flushing and heart beat hard as I remember his clumsy drunken touches, the way he played with my hair to get it out of my face. The hot lights of the club we found blurring with the heat of the midday sun.

"Excuse me? Miss?" I start, I must have fallen asleep.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I mumble shyly, the sun is setting as I throw the ball towards the voice that had woken me.

I should get back and get ready to see Zayn later... autopilot kicks in as I find myself in my room and ordering room service without so much as a thought crossing my mind. Well, some thoughts. Thoughts of last night. I wish I could fill in the blanks.

To - Louis

Risking sounding like a child... could you fill in the blanks. From last night? x

I wait for a reply. And wait. And wait. I watch a film. I finish my food. I check the time, their concert has started. I check it again. And again. And again. Their concert has ended.

To - Louis

Really, any information would be helpful! Haha x

Any remnants of a hangover is long gone as the end of a T.V show plays on the screen. My phone vibrates and I jump to see it. My heart sinks slightly when I see Zayn's name.

From - Zain

We're in Liam's room, join? :) x

While I'm relieved to see he isn't mad or holding anything against me, I feel stupid. I'm not, never have been, that girl that sits around waiting for a message off a boy. Not that I've ever had a boy to do that for... but I'm not that girl. And was I ever really bothered about Louis? No. He's always just been friendly. Never insinuated he viewed me as anything but a friend and a little sister. So he said he really liked me? I probably completely misunderstood.

I find myself outside Liam's room staring at his door and my stomach does a flip at the thought of seeing Louis on the other side. Then my brain kicks in.

He doesn't like you. More importantly you don't like him. He's annoying and rude.

My fist taps lightly on the door and within seconds Liam is stood in front of me. He smiles kindly at me.

"Hey stranger." he steps aside and I follow him in, taking a seat next to Zayn on the floor. That's a safe bet.

"We've hardly seen you since you got to Aus." Liam continues as he is pouring himself a drink.

"Lucky for you, we have tomorrow off." Niall chimes in from the bed sitting next to Harry, they both smile looking exhausted from the show.

"Lucky me." I try to sound cheery but can't help feeling disheartened. Louis isn't with them, where is he? Zayn moves to get the T.V remote and Liam takes his place.

"He left about 30 seconds before you got here." Liam whispers lowly in my ear, a mind reader. I nod and try not to look too interested by the information but feel fully reaffirmed in what I had tried to ignore earlier.

Not only was Louis ignoring me, he was actively avoiding me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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