Talks and Complication

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I could feel my heart in my throat as I stood in the kitchen waiting for Louis to cone through, hoping that he would. I gripped the counter behind me which I was leaning against, my fingers I'm pretty sure had turned white as I stared at the digital clock, the minute number changed twice before Louis finally came in. 

"Hi." he said closing the kitchen door, he came over and stood next to me.

"Hi." I croak out before coughing and saying  it again, this time more confident. I look up ay him and he's now watching the digital clock but turns to me when he feels my stare.

"Did Zayn say anything to you?" I ask him, he nods slowly in reply as I watch him, urging him to carry on and tell me. He bites his bottom lips internally arguing with himself.

"Yeah. He told me to back off you. Stop confusing you unless I was serious about it or something?" he shrugs trying to not seem upset about it. I nod and swallow hard.

"I've never really been with a boy before or do much flirting. He's just not use to it." I reassure Louis as to why Zayn is being the way he is. I push myself off the side and get a drink then come back to stand next to him, closer then I meant to because our hands are touching but I don't want to seem weird so I don't move but neither does he.

"I don't know, it is a rule we made. No dating sisters was a rule." he says, "Not that I would go out with you." he adds on the end quickly. I'm not sure why but that upsets me.

"Yeah, er yeah. Of course." I stutter out.

"He also said," Louis sighs and carries on, "that out of the four of us, I was the one that he really didn't want you making a 'connection' with." he tells me awkwardly. I swallow hard and nod.

"Why?" I find myself asking him.

"Biggest age gap I guess? Plus he knows what I'm like." Louis half smirks. Again I just find myself nodding, I feel confused. Maybe it's because I thought he actually liked me but then the idea of a boys like him liking me is pretty ridiculous. I decide to move my hand away from his at this point and cross my arms instead.

"Okay." I reply dumbly. As if he knew how stupid I felt Niall walked in, my saviour at that point.

"What're you two doin'?" Niall asks raising his eyebrows.

"Get lost." I laugh trying to regain myself.

"C'mon." Niall puts his arm round my waist and drags me out of the kitchen which leaves Louis standing on his own and that doesn't bother me one bit, I'm glad to be away from him. My judgment of him first time round was right, he is an obnoxious dick. Niall takes me into the lounge where I end up sitting on the sofa next to Liam.

"You okay?" he asks. I nod and smile a little. He doesn't look convinced but he doesn't question me further. I turn and see Niall being forced onto Harry's lap by Harry grabbing him roughly round the waist. Niall slightly pushes away and ends up next to Harry rather than on top of him.

"Do you two mind?" Zayn laughs as Louis finally reappears sitting next to Zayn. I bite my lip not really wanting to be here, still feeling embarrassed.

"I'm going to go finish some college work." I let the boys know before leaving to go to my room. I stop halfway up the stairs when I hear my name being said though.

"Addy is still my baby sister." 

"Yeh Louis, it's not fair on her." Niall adds into the conversation.

"I don't like her though and she knows that. I'm just pissing about." I hear him say and it makes me feel even more stupid then before. It's not like I liked him like that but it's just horrible to hear that he is pushing me round for a bit of a joke and I was letting him.

"Still, she's clearly not taking it well. You saw what happened to her earlier." Liam points out sounding concerned for me.

"Why're you so bother Payne? Fair enough Zayn is her brother and Niall is a worrier but what's up with you?" Louis remarks, he's harsh but it's true, why does Liam care so much.

"I just do." he states.

"Mate, you better not have a crush on her." Zayn sighs sounding exhausted and bored of this thing that boys seem to have developed with me. I don't hear anyone speak for a second and I stand still on the stairs waiting to hear.

"No, I just got out of a serious relationship. Course I don't." Liam tells them.

"Great, does anyone else want to admit their feelings towards my little sister while we're at it?" Zayn jokes but sounds annoyed.

"Yeah, obviously I'm deeply madly in love with her." Harry offers making all the boys laugh, breaking any tension that there was. I decide that's the end of the conversation and carry on up to my room. Boys are so weird.

I grab some work for college that I'd finished over the holidays and stare at it thinking about what the boys had been saying about me.



"Me, Louis and Harry are going out. We'll be back later!" Zayn shouts up to me, I shout an okay back down to him, at least Louis is going out, I don't want to be near him. I wonder downstairs when I hear the door go and find Liam and Harry in the kitchen.

"Hey." I greet them letting them know I'm here before they start saying something I shouldn't hear.

"How're you and Louis now?" Liam asks as I stand next to him. I just nod and shrug my shoulders and look to Niall.

"That awkward?" he laughs. I nod.

"I'm just going to call me mam, be back in sec." Niall tells us as he pulls out his mobile pressing the screen and putting it to his ear walking out of the room.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Liam turns to me as soon as he is sure Niall is out of earshot.

"I guess?" though I don't really want to know. Liam glances at the door to check no one is there and I inwardly sigh, I don't like secrets.

"Niall kind of likes you."

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