Sydney and Awkwardness

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"That's not fair, next time I'm coming!" I demand jokingly as Niall laughs. He'd stayed in my room claiming he should look after me, Zayn has been checking in and telling Niall he could leave me but he refused to. He was now lying next to me on his side proping his head leaning on his elbow telling me about things he's done and places he's been. Zayn never really spoke about One Direction infront of me.

"So next time I go to Sydney you're coming?" he questions chuckling at me.

"Yes! I've wanted to there forever. My sister has been there with her friends but I have stupid college." I pout but Niall pokes my cheeling turning my frown into a smile.

"Okay then, deal. Next time we go I'll talk Zayn into it." He smiles but he's serious and I squeal in excitment.

"Talk Zayn into what?" as if on cue he appears from behind the door. Niall sits up and pushes himself off the bed and I push myself up from lying down. 

"Talk Zayn in to letting your little sister maybe coming to Sydney with us next time?" Nial questions giving him a little cute innnocent look with a shrug on the end making me laugh at him. Zayn doen't find it so funny and just sighs ignoring us two.

"C'mon Ad's you need to eat." Zayn motions. Me and Niall get up and follow Zayn to the kitchen where the other three are. I feel a little embarassed and can barely look Louis in the eye but I can feel him trying to get my attention. Nialls stands next to Liam leaving me to follow Zayn to the side. We have our back to everyone as he speaks to me in a hushed voice.

"You feel better?" he asks grabbing some bread. I hear the other boys break into conversation so reply to him.

"I'm fine now. I'm sorry for breaking the glass earlier." I pause but decide to carry on, "I swear me and Louis were just sleeping, he has a girlfriend." I repeat what Louis said earlier.

"I shouldn't have yelled though. I was just angry." he mumbles now buttering the bread. I nudge him with me arm.

"It's fine. Besides getting to go to Sydney should make up for it." I smirk trying to win him over.

"No, no way girly." he disagrees to the idea, our voices are now back to normal, off the topic of what had happened.

"Pleeease!" I beg pouting and turning round to see the rest of the boys.

"He still saying no?" Niall asks. We had ended up my room for about an hour and a half, I kind of don't get why Zayn hadn't been weird about that but then Niall is so...Niall he wouldn't do anything to upset anyone.

"Yeah." I say and cross my arms.

"I'll take you when he's not looking." he winks jokingly but I see him glance at Zayn to check he hadn't crossed the line but apparently he was fine flirting with me.

"No you won't." Zayn sighs throwing a bit of buttered bread at him which he catches expertly and take a bit out of it. I laugh at Zayn's expression when he sees Niall manage to do this.

"Take her where?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I'm lost." Harry forces a laugh but looks to Niall then to me, I feel bad suddenly. Harry really likes him.

"Sydney." Zayn and Niall say in sync. They all begin talking about it but Louis hasn't spoken up yet, he is standing next to Liam. Using him as almost a protection from Zayn it looks like. He his chewing his nail and his eyes are flicking everywhere not wanting to join in talking. I don't realise I'm staring until Niall is asking me something.

"Huh?" I snap out of it.

"I saaaid, How are going to convince this one?" Niall laughs at me. I shrug as the answer and can't stop my eyes from keep wondering to Louis. Niall notices and whispers to me.

"Talk to him later. Don't make it so obvious." I nod a thanks and exit the kitchen not wanting to be there any more. I sit in the lounge flicking through some rubbish on the TV before Liam and Harry appear sitting either side of me.

"Hi." Harry greets me.


"Helloooo!" Liam chimes the other side of me.

"Um, hello?" I laugh a little. They sit in silence for a couple of seconds throwing glances at each other  as I sit there waiting for them to speak.

"We're going to Sydney next month, for 2 weeks." Harry stage whispers in my ear.

"I managed to find the scheduel for us and well, we were wondering if you would come?" Liam says to me. I don't take it in at first. No way would I be allowed to go. No way could I find the time from college. Just, no way.

"Are you serious?" I splutter out.

"We haven't mentioned it to Zayn yet and we are going to have to convince a LOT of people buuut..." Liam trails off with a shrug.

"Oh my god!" I squeal and hug them both. They laugh and try to shush me because it is going to take a lot of work to convince people and there is the fact the boys would have to hide me from the press and the media. Urgh, this might be harder then it seems.

"What? What?" Niall jumps into the room, quite literally with Louis following staring at his feet. I can hear Zayn on his phone in the kitchen so that's why he isn't with the rest of us now.

"We might have figured out a way to get her to Sydney with us." Harry smiles and Niall looks genuinly excited about. Louis looks confused and a little scared about it, why?

"Yay! How?" Niall sits on Harrys knee and Harry puts his hands round Nialls waist resting his head into Niall's neck. Neither look uncomfortable but Niall is bright red. The three break in to conversation about it and about how to get Zayn on board with the plan.

I chance a look at Louis to see him watching me but flickers his eyes away and towards the ground when he sees me turn to him but looks back just as quickly, pursing his lips together. I flick my eyes towards the door and get up.

"I'll be back in a minute." I say and just hope Louis follows me because Niall is right, I should probably speak to Louis about this. Whatever this is.

A/N How was this chapter? Any good? Who are we feeling Addy should be with? Should she get to go with the boys to Aussie or should she be stopped?

How was everyones christmas? I GOT ONE DIRECTION TICKETS....and calm!

Anyway, comment, vote, fan? Hope you guys liked this chapter! -Emily xx

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