Lifts and Attacks.

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I drag my suitcase through the baggage claim area with Zayn following me. We had just arrived and it's 2:48am so no fans or paps could possibly find us or meet us and the hotel we were going to had been paid a lot to keep the fact we were staying there completely private and exclusive. I tugged my grey beanie down slightly and pulled my shoulder bag up. I looked to Zayn who was adjusting his grey hoodie and black beanie himself.

"You alright?" he smiles tiredly at me noticing I was watching him.

"I'm good, I can't believe I'm finally here." I beam at him. He laughs softly before we both haul our luggage into a blacked out mini bus. I climb into the bus I rest my head on the window, Zayn sits opposite me as we pull away and I can't believe how lucky we've been not to have been caught yet by anyone paps ect.


"Ad's? C'mon. Addy? Adeelah!" I can feel someone with their hand on my shoulder, I thrash my body to shake them off me in a panic.

"Woah, calm down. Calm down, it's just me." Zayn grabs my shoulders to hold me down as my breathing calms back to normal.

"What?" I ask and sit up before I see where I am and remember I had flown last night.

"It's 1pm so I thought I should wake you. You don't want to miss the whole first day in Australia do you?" he asks me. I smile and throws the covers off me and jump up as he stumbles back out of my way laughing at me.

"Shut up." I smile. He shakes his head and throws something at me that I catch. I look down at it and frown.

"Mum says you have to." he looks sympathetically at me. I take one pill from each packet and Zayn hands me a bottle of water and I swallow them.

"Now can I go out or something?" I say throwing the bottle on my bed.

"You might want to put some decent clothes on first." he informs me with a laugh. I roll my eyes as he walks out, probably going to find one of the other boys. I'm not sure if they know we are here yet.

I find my VS bikini and a black skater dress with a white floral pattern on. I get change and grab my shoulder bag with my purse, pills, diary and phone it then slip my feet into some white vans and leave the room dropping the key card in my bag. There was no way I was bothering doing my hair considering I'm probably going to swim so I just pulled a grey beanie over it and pulled my sunglasses down.

"Addy!" I hear someone call my name and whip my head round.

"Hi, Liam" I smile.

"How's your hand?" he asks taking it gently peering at it.

"Fine. I'm just going to look around." I tell him and pull my hand back.

"Come see the rest of them first. We didn't even know you were here!" he asks looking like an excited puppy. I shake my head though, wanting to be with the boys as little as possible while I'm here.

"Maybe later?" I offer.

"Fine but make sure you do! We're going to the stadium at 3 so meet us there? I'll get Zayn or Tommo to text you the address." he says brightly before turning and leaving. He's way to excited to start the shows.

"Wait! Liam?" I call him back. He turns and looks at me.

"I'm going to look round on my own and I don't know anywhere and you've been here a couple days. Could- would you maybe show me round a little? I mean it's fine if you're busy or don't want too or-"

"I'll grab my wallet and phone, wait here." he laughs and disappears and comes back within a minute and puts his hand on my back to guide me to the lift. He press' the ground-floor button and leans against the wall.

"How do we not get caught by people?" I ask him.

"We can go out the back way, through the kitchen. They let us, they'll be a blacked out car I drive or we can walk around and pray we don't get caught." he smirks.

"Can we walk?" I opt for that, I'd much rather walk to see this place then be stuck in a car. 

"Sure, we'll just have t-" he gets cut off and stumbles forward slightly as the lift stops and the lights shut down. You've got to be kidding.

"It's broken." I state the obvious.

"I know. Er, I'll call reception." he tells me. He has their number on his mobile for no apparent reason. I sit on the floor with my legs out in front of me, not that I can see much it's pretty dark in here. I concentrate on not panicking and close my eyes instead and picture the beach and the shops and the sun.

"Ad's we could be here for like 20 minutes while they try and fix it." he informs me and I feel him sit next to me.

"This sucks." I moan and put my head in my hands, I feel him put his arm round me and lean into him.

"We'll be out soon." he comforts me, he can clearly feel my breathing become irregular. 

"What if we aren't?" I ask and the tears are burning in my eyes. I hate being so pathetic but along with my anxiety which is kicking in about now, I hate the dark. I hate myself. I'm so pathetic. I can't deal with anything.

What if we're stuck in this lift for hours and people don't realize we're missing and the lift is just shut down. Then we're stuck in here and no one ever finds us because the lift isn't used then we'll slowly die and it'll be painful and we won't be able to stop it.

"We will be. Hey, hey calm down. It's okay babe." he hugs me tighter but I can't stop the anxiety attack coming over me. I push him off me, everything feels too close to me and the air feels like lead to breath. I can't stop myself from shivering which turns into shaking.

"Addy? Addy, I need you to listen to me." I hear his voice but it sounds distant and I can't focus on it. I can't feel anything any more and I can only focus on the darkness that feels like it's swallowing me up. I feel him try to hold me again but it feels like he's holding me too tight and I thrash my body away from him. I cover my face with my hands but I'm shaking too much. 

I took my pills. This shouldn't be happening. Why isn't Zayn here? Zayn can make this stop. He should be here to help me. He's never here any more.

My lungs are hurting too much to breath any more. I want it to go away. Everything is aching in my body, it all hurts but I can't stop the shaking. I want to tell Liam to call Zayn but I can't control my own body let alone form words. 

"Addy, please try as hard as you can to listen to me. Focus on my voice please." it's still distant but he sounds desperate now. I try to but I can't as my throat feels tight and I gasp for air. And then everything stops and it goes black.

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