Leaving and Hugs

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"Um, we don't actually know?" Louis breaks the silence that had fallen over us.

"Um...how?" I ask, how could they not know if two of their band mates were in a relationship or not? Wouldn't they notice if they were acting different or something? Liam began to speak seeing my complete confusion.

"Harry's liked Niall for ages but Niall is really confused about it all, last time we heard about it anyway. I'm not sure if Niall likes boys or what? They don't talk much about it though, not even to us so y'know. They're both pretty shy when it comes to girls, let alone guys." he explains. I nod taking it in, trying to understand it. Just as I was about to question further the door goes and we hear my mum greet someone.

"Wendy! Oh, you didn't have to do this honestly. You do enough for us! I've got something in the lounge for you and Katy actually." As she speaks to Katy's mum, Katy appears. I run to her and almost knock her over hugging her.

"Save meeee!!" I moan as she laughs at me and hugs me back. I pull out of the hugs and she glances quickly at the three boys and I can practically see her trying not to drool, she purses her lips together to stop herself from grinning like an idiot.

"Guys," I say and turn around, "this is Katy. I swear to god, if you try anything on with her or are mean to her, I won't hesitate to rip your balls off. Louis." I direct it at him.

"Aw, as if I would babe." he laughs  and raises his eyebrows looking at Katy. Zayn walks over and greets Katy with a hug because he knows she's like family to me, my mum and sisters.

"Hi." he says as she replies with a 'hey'.

"Well, we're going upstairs. Bye." I tell them and turn leaving with Katy following me. We get into my room as I see Safaa running down the stairs to go and see Wendy.

"Addy? Why's Wendy here?" she stops in her tracks and asks me.

"To give Trisha your presents." Katy answers for me. My little sister nods then carry's on down the stairs and and shove my door closed. I lie on my bed and Katy lies next to me and we stare up at the ceiling.

"So, which one do you fancy?" she asks casually.

"Katy!" I laugh hitting her on the stomach, she laughs at my response but pursues her question.

"C'mon, which one? You seem to get along with them. You were with them when I came instead of hiding in your room, usually you hate new people." she tells me knowing about why I'm not allowed in the media.

"Er." I mumble.

"You do like one of them! Ohmygod! Which one? Can I guess? You've met all of them right? Okay, is it-"

"Katy, I don't and if I did I wouldn't say." I laugh at her.

"Is it Liam? I'm a total Liam girl, if it was Liam I'd kill you, could I be head bridesmaid at your wedding though, then I could hook up with the best man if it was Harry or something!" she squeals in delight. I roll my eyes at her, I've known they boys a couple days and she's planning mine and Liam's wedding.

"No it's not Liam I 'fancy' you idiot!" I tell her.

"So which one of us is it?" Louis pushes my door open with that stupid smirk on his face. Katy sits up so quickly I'm surprised she doesn't get whip-lash, I push myself up and look at him pouting.

"Go away." I groan.

"It's fine, you'll be happy to know I'm leaving now, I just came to say bye." he tells me. I can't help but feel a little sad that he's leaving and I don't know why because h annoys the hell out of me but he also makes me laugh. That's probably why.

"Oh. Okay." I say stupidly. He opens his arms directing me to hug him. I get up and he closes me into a bear hug and I smile.

"See you in January." he tells me and I hear him chuckle.

"Yeah." I mumble and pull out of the hug.

"Bye, it was nice meeting you." he says.

"Wish I could say the same, loser." I stick my tongue out at him and he sighs at my childishness. I smirk and he shakes his head before going leaving me in my room.

"It's Louis!" Katy bounces on the bed. I jump forgetting she was here, I spin round confused.

"What's Louis?" I ask her.

"You like Looouis!" she chimes.

"Shut up! No I don't!" and I really don't but I can feel the heat rising in my face and I can't stop it. I don't like Louis like that, I'm sure I don't.

"You do, don't lie. Awe that's so cute Addy!" Katy goes on about it.

"I don't Katy!" I whine at her annoyed, he's annoying and stupid and irritating, why on earth would I like him, let alone fancy him?

"You're blushing! Why're you denying it. Millions of girls love him, you're not alone. Honestly he's so good looking and cute and funny how could you not love him?!" she giggles like a school girl. What is wrong with this one?

"Whatever. You can believe what you want." I tell her and roll my eyes. I go down stairs and she follows me, we go into the lounge to find only Liam and Zayn left. It's weird that it's so quiet now after having the  of them around.

"Hey, you still he-"

"ADDY FANCY'S LOOOUIS!!" Katy screams bouncing in and sitting on the free sofa. Zayn's head snaps up at that comment as Liam looks a little weird-ed out by her. I don't blame him to be completely honest.

"No she doesn't." I assure Zayn.

"Good, he has a girl and you don't need to get mixed up with us." he tells me authoritatively. As if he can tell me what t do, I love him but man he's protective.

"Okay, whatever." I laugh lightly but I can't help but wonder what he means...'you don't need to get mixed up with us.'

A/N Hey, I very very busy with work and stuff for the next two weeks...important exams and shitee urgh, someone kidnap me? Harry? Louis? Anyone?? Take me awaaaay!So basically the updates might be a tad slower but probably not because I'm good at procrastinating when it comes to exams and stuff!

Anyway, I couldn't decide on Narry or not? I need more opinions or more advice? Would people stop reading if I put them in as a couple or not? Some people are weirdly uncomfortable with gays-bi's- lesbian's which I don't get but hey-hoo!

And who're we shipping with our Baby Addy? Ship names? Hehe! ~Emily xx

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