Explaing to him and Babysitting.

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"Louis she's lying." Zayn rushed out.

"Zayn!" I said, hurt that he would try and hide the fact that I was his sister, even though he had been doing it for the past four years.

"Can one of you please explain the TRUTH to me?" Louis butted in crossing his arms and raising his eyes brows. I look to Zayn to see what he's going to say as I can feel Louis studying me. Zayn looks at me then to Louis who looks away from me to my brother. I sigh and walk out of my room bored of the three way staring competition going on. I hear Zayn mumble something and turn back to see them both following after me to come downstairs.

"Addy?" Zayn calls to me but I ignore him going into the kitchen to make a mug of tea, I am craving tea.

"That her name?" Louis speaks to Zayn.

"No, Zayn just likes to shout Addy every so often." I turn round and say sarcastically.

"What crawled up your jeans and died, Jesus." he rolls his eyes at me.


"Would you two shut up. Addy this is exactly one of the reasons why you weren't allowed to meet them." Zayn interrupts mine and Louis spat. I grab the kettle that had now boiled and pour it over the teabag sitting in the mug then add milk.

"Aren't you going to offer me one?" Louis says sweetly, I don't like this one.

"Give me one good reason I should." I reply not looking at him as I throw the teabag in the bin.

"I'm a guest in your house and I need one to calm my poor nerves as you two explain to me what's going on." he retaliates. I groan and push my drink into his hand as he smirks at me. I sit on the kitchen side while Louis leans against the island in the middle as Zayn stands in between us to the right slightly. Louis looks at me waiting for an explanation. I cross my arms at him and look at Zayn.

"She's my little sister," he pauses and holds the bridge of his nose trying to stop a head ache or something, "she's not allowed in the media so we keep her out of the spotlight. Keeping her away from the band as much as we can, which includes hiding her from you and the others." Zayn says slowly. He breaths out at the end and looks up to see Louis' reaction.

"Okay," he says slowly, "How old are you?" he asks me.

"17, why?" I reply.

"You're legal." he comments with a smirk.

"Urgh, you're disgusting." I snarl at him. He laughs at me as I push myself off the kitchen side and stand up.

"Lou, she's my little sister." Zayn tells him with a warning.

"Relax, I have a girlfriend." he says smiling genuinely at Zayn.

"How?!" I remark sarcastically. Before Louis has time to reply the front door opens. We all go quiet and look to one another, even Louis realizing I needed to hide.

"ADDY DON'T WORRY IT'S ME!" I heard Katy scream out as she enters the kitchen, her face falls a she sees Louis standing there. She then looks to me, in shock and confusion.

"He stuck his big fact nose in and found me in my room." I explained as I grabbed her are pulling her into the lounge to get away from Louis, he's an arse. We sit on the sofa and I flick the TV on to watch ANTM.

"You don't like Louis?" she asks me taking note of how I'd described him.

"Nope, he's so annoying and sarky." I state as she laughs.

"Sounds like someone I know." she  raises an eyebrow as I hit her on the arm. We sit and talk while watching the TV commenting on the models and how mean they are and how ugly some of the are saying we could do better. Katy insists on talking some more about how Louis found me so I outline her on the stupid idiot. Her phone buzzes after about 2 hours saying her mum needs her so she leaves me with the two idiots that I think are in the kitchen still. I stop out side as I hear my name.

"Addy wants us to know about her then?"

"Yeah but we just- mum isn't sure. I can't say why so don't even bother." he sighs.

"She's cute." you what mate? Did he really just say that?

"Louis." he's given a warning. I take that as my cue to enter and walk in pretending not to of heard them speaking.

"Hey, where's Katy?" Zayn questions.

"Went home, her mum needed her." I shrug. Zayn looks down to his phone and swears under his breath, he looks at me as I give him questioning look.

"I have to go and meet Perrie, Louis will you stay with Addy?"

"No!" we both say in sync. He laughs at both of us and shakes his head.

"Fine." Louis mumbles.

"Why does he have to? I can look after myself." I state.

"Yes but  trusting you not go out is a different thing all together." he tells me. I huff  as he grabs his stuff and leaves me with Louis.

"Hate you Zayn." I mumble as he walks out the front door.

"Love you too!" he smiles and slams the door leaving me. I walk past Louis and go straight to my room planning on spending as little time with him as possible. I go into my room and turn my stereo on as it plays The Vamps songs. I lie back and read Of Mice and Men for a while, I'm such a dork when it comes to books.

"Really? The Vamps and what're you reading?" Louis stands leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, insulting anything about me he can.

"Yes really and why do you care?" I say sitting up and glaring at him. He walks in and stands over my desk looking at my college work.

"I'm just curious." he says picking up a piece of my English Language work.

"It's Of Mice and Men and can you not loose that?!" I say as he drops the paper back down on my desk he moves and sits next to me on the bed I move back slightly. I have my legs crossed sitting on my bed so I move up as he sits on the side of my bed.

"That's a good book." he tells me.

"I know, I've read it only a couple hundred times, how do you know? You don't look like the very read-y type." I comment. He twists his face into annoyance then chooses to ignore my childishness.

"I like stuff like that." he shrugs looking down for a second seeming almost embarrassed. I look away from him and press my phone on to look at the time feeling awkward.

"You don't have to stay, Zayn's just being Zayn." I tell him mindlessly twirling a piece of my lilac hair. I have very light skin compared to my sisters so it suits me, or so I've been told the colour compliments my caramel eyes.

"I told Zayn I would so I kind of have to babysit you." he says emphasizing babysit because he is a knob like that. I'm not a baby, I'm 17.

"You're an idiot." I state and lie back on my bed.

"So are you." he replies lamely.

"According to you I'm cute." I tell him. I look at him for his reaction and it was priceless. He tried to say something in reply but his mouth just opened then closed. He then just rolled his eyes as I laughed at him. He gets up and walks out of my room but turns and speaks.

"I was only saying that, you're not."

"Smooth..." I laughed.

A/N Are you liking this so far? Should the other guys find out about her or not? Are you liking the fact they don't particularly like each other? I'm loving the comments and feedback so please do it! I really appreciate it!

Comment? Vote? Fan? ~Emily xx

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