Chapter twenty six

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Six weeks later:
I woke up to the sun shining in through our cave, we had moved into the alpha cave so that we could feel closer to Musk. Things have been strange without him, Night seems stressed all the time. He stays up most nights thinking i suppose, I've woken up to him staring at me plenty of times which always made my heart flutter.
I got up and stretched before walking to the entrance where a delicious rabbit sat waiting for me, I had woken up to food sitting outside of our cave every morning. I glanced around making direct eye contact to Night who was sitting talking to Garrett, Garrett glanced up in my direction and nodded his head like he understood why he wasn't getting a response from Night. I smirked before walking down to sit next to him with the rabbit he had brought to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me for the thousandth time this week, ever since i told him.
"Me and the pups are doing just fine" I tell him as i take a bite out of the rabbit. "How many do you think are in there?" He asked poking his nose into my side making me laugh. "I don't know, definitely more then two though" I tell him as I've felt them all move. I think there's three but i could be wrong.
"Can we go for a walk later?" I asked looking at him with hopeful eyes, ever since he found out i was carrying pups he's barely let me out of his sight, not to mention his brother just died so he was paranoid. "Of course, we can leave in an hour" he tells me licking my forehead "I have to talk with Skyler about the meeting with the other alphas." I nodded my head and licked his cheek before he walked away to find Skyler, I finished the rabbit as my pups moved around happily. I decided to do my usual routine, walking around the camp and checking on everyone, as the mate of the Alpha I want to make sure that I'm doing my part in keeping the pack safe.

I stopped and talked to Grace who was always down to talk with me "how are things with you and Night?" She asked licking her paws. I smiled thinking of him, i never thought I'd be this happy. If you would have told me 2 years ago that i was going to be with a wolf pack and mated to the alpha with his pups, i would have called you crazy. "Things have been good" I finally answer "he's been so excited about the pups" i tell her. Night wasn't the only one excited though. "We decided to name one of them Musk." I tell her getting 'aww' from Grace "that's perfect!" She tells me. The thought of Musk made me tear up but it was good to remember him, he helped me with who i am today. Him and Night both.
"Ready?" I heard Nights voice behind me, I smiled brightly hearing his voice before hopping up and walking towards him. Night lightly leaned into me as he always did when we walked, we said our goodbyes to Grace who was giggling like a Child.
"Are you feeling okay?" Night asked, I lifted my head and licked his cheek before saying "yes, I'm good" I reassure him the pups were running around in my stomach as if they were already rough housing. To tell you the truth it was a little painful but I'd take this pain over anything else. "Can we walk by Charlie's? We haven't been there in two weeks" I asked looking at Night, he sighed looking at me before licking my cheek "we can walk by, you will stay in the bushes while i check it out".
I wanted to protest and say i wanted to go with but i understood why he was being more protective this time around, I sighed "alright" he seemed amused by my bummed look and nibbled on my ear before we began our journey to Charlie's.

"We never talked about what we would do if he had another dog" Night says looking at me. I looked up at him "obviously we would save the dog right?" I asked hoping he said yes, he glanced down at me and nodded his head. "But how, how did you get out?" He asked. The flashbacks of the day I left came flashing into my head "Charlie had a thing of forgetting to feed me for days, I was digging around in the trash for something to eat" I sighed sitting down since my legs were crapping up. Night understood and sat down as well giving me his full attention. "Charlie caught me and smacked my muzzle, it didn't hurt physically but mentally i was sad. I needed to go to the bathroom and i knew he would only beat me harder if i peed in the house so i scratched and barked at the door to be let out."  I sighed remember the days with Charlie, i didn't have a single good memory with him. Not a single one. "He screamed as he always did, telling me to shut up, calling me names. I was hungry and was hoping to find something to eat but the backyard was empty as always. I hoped that a bird would fly down or maybe a cat as sad as that sounds, I was just hungry." I tell him as the tears fell from my face, I heard a whimper come from Night as he came closer to me and leaned against me. "I found this nasty rotten smelling cheeseburger that i ate, it was horrible but i had to eat something" I explained ashamed slightly. "Afterwards i wanted to go back in but Charlie didn't let me in of course, it started raining as ironic as that sounds" I say with a slight scoff  "i had nothing to hide under, not even a porch. So I stayed and fell asleep".
Night sighed licking my cheek "he's such a cruel man, i can't believe they call us the wild animals" he says glancing at me. "When he finally let me in I immediately went to the heater and fell asleep. I woke up to him stepping on my tail and he kicked me out as if it was my fault. I dug a hole under the fence and ran to the small lake." Night frowned leaning his head against my shoulder, I licked his neck before we began our journey again.
Longer chapter hope you guys enjoy!
~Author Cass

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