Chapter fifteen

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Being back in my cave was wonderful, my mother and I made a promise to each other that we would go and see each other every full moon. I Haven't talked to Night since we've made it back, which was a week ago. I've tried to talk to him on several different occasions, even tried asking why he was so scared i was going to leave. I never got a response though. I sighed looking up at the full moon, it was my first time seeing my mother after we left the Northern wolf pack. I looked over towards Alpha noticing that Night was talking to him, I sighed before gathering the courage to walk over towards them. I sat down placing my tail around my legs waiting for the conversation to stop before I told him where i was going. "Yes Alaska?" Alpha asked making Night turn around and glance at me, he didn't say anything, just sat and stared. "I'm leaving to go visit with my mother, I shall be back before dusk" I say trying not to glance at Night who was glaring at me. Seriously what's his problem? "Of course Alaska. Take Night with you." Alpha says getting up to walk away "Alpha" I say walking towards him having Night stay sitting where we left him "Night already seems to hate me.." "it was an order" Alpha says before looking at me. I sighed looking at the ground "yes Alpha"

The first 10 minutes of walking was silent. Neither of us wanting to talk, Night was a head of me. He glanced back every now and then to make sure i was still there. I sighed "nice weather we're having" I say the first thing to pop up in my head, he just scoffed. I don't know why it made me angry, maybe it was the not knowing why he was so mad at me. I rushed in front of him making him jerk back trying not to run into me "what the hell?" He growled at me, normally it would have pissed me off, but today i wanted answers. "Why are you so mad at me? Was it because i disappeared? I hadn't seen my mother in years Night. Yeah maybe i should have went back and told one of you that i was alright, but I honestly didn't have the chance. I just really wanted to see her." He nodded his head sitting down and looking at the ground. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself" he says honestly which confuses me even more. "Why?" He glanced up at me before taking a deep breath. "Because of how I behaved when i found you, after you went missing." He says before looking back at the ground. "Because you cared about me? That's why you hate yourself?" I asked feeling a little hurt. He nodded his head, I blinked at him unsure of how to respond. "I see" is all i could say even though i had a million thoughts running through my mind. 'Is it because I'm a dog?' I wanted to ask him, but i was to afraid of his answer. I stood up and turned still walking towards the border line between the Northern and the western wolves which was us. "That's not.." I shook my head "can we just go please?" He sighed before leading the way yet again, I didn't mind. It allowed me to just follow him while I thought of all the possibilities of why it would be so bad to care about me. What's wrong with me? Charlie, Alfie, and now Night?
"We're here" Night says in a low voice before walking by a tree and laying down. I shook my head of all the thoughts and glanced around to see my mother running towards me with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. She looks like a real dog, I thought smirking at her. She began licking the top of my head before we sat and talked. I ended up telling her the truth about Charlie, which she was upset about.
"So what's going on between you and Night?" My mother asked in a whisper, I shrugged "apparently he doesn't want to care about me" I say just as quietly. She shook her head "He may not want to, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you." My mother says glancing at me. I blinked at her before glancing over at Night who looked like he was sleeping, i knew he wasn't since his ears were standing right up telling me he was on guard. Almost like he was worried something might happen.
"Yeah, but he doesn't want to." I say laying my head down.

"It's time to go" Night says walking towards us "we'll be back the next full moon" he confirms with my mother before he began walking towards the trees that would guid us back to our pack. "Night's going to be the next Alpha, meaning he's going to have a lot of enemies after him" My mother says staring at me "how do you know?" I asked she shrugged and said "because I keep up with the wild life, now that I'm a stray dog." My mother says licking my ear "that's one reason why he wouldn't want to care about you, he doesn't want you to get hurt. Just hear him out." My mother says before turning and walking away, I turn to stare at Night who was already staring at me.

Why doesn't Night want to care about Alaska?
Is Night really going to be the next Alpha?
~Author Cass

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